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  1. jerth6932

    Your favourite sounds.

    Classical music, loud in headphones, as it syncs with peoples movements around me. My children, as they are 3 and 5, having their "off the wall" conversations. Daughter (3) to son: Ewww, you just let a stink bomb! Son (5) to daughter: Maili, I didn't fart, it was just my butt blowing off a...
  2. jerth6932

    New to saltwater

    Quote: Originally Posted by MMyuki I have a 30 gallon running currently and I have two koralia 1400s in there, fish love it and my corals like it as long as you do not put them in the line of fire from it, but the are pointing towards the surface anyways. People may say that I have to much flow...
  3. jerth6932

    saltwater tattoo

    Quote: Originally Posted by smartorl Most established artists will not allow you to take pictures or take a copy of the artwork, others will charge a deposit to allow you to take a copy home. Understand it is art and it's their concept. There are a lot of people out there who will come to you...
  4. jerth6932

    New reef tank

    If it is diatoms the increaced flow I mentioned before will help with that....
  5. jerth6932

    New reef tank

    I have brown stuff like this on the sand even after I just siphoned out most of it and its been only about 8 hours. Unfortinatly I am on my cell phone and its not pulling up the pix. Sorry. Ur explaination would lead me to think diatoms, but I can't see the pix sorry........
  6. jerth6932

    New reef tank

    I would recomend at the least 1 more 1050 or 1400 if not 2. I ran 1 1050 1 750 and 2 550s in my 55 and wanted more. 550s are wothless in that big of a tank IMO. If cost isn't an issue I would go vortech mp-40.
  7. jerth6932

    New reef tank

    OK well thank you and if I wanted to keep from getting that much as i had how should I prevent it a small powerhead pointing towards the sand but higher up and what else will help keep the sand clean and airiated and such. If I were to get a powerhead how much gph. What do u have flow wise in...
  8. jerth6932

    New reef tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by verojeremy So could I get a siphon like tghat at ***** or petsmaet because then that would be the easiest Yeah, the ones people use on fresh water? That's what I use my my tanks, one I got from them, they were a lot cheaper there then my LFS.
  9. jerth6932

    October TOTM WINNER

    Your hard work was rewarded! Congrats!
  10. jerth6932

    New reef tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by verojeremy I get them fro a lfs I told you I was told you don't need to have a protein skimmer. But I also have a lot of detritus on the bottom of tank how do I get that out I thought a small siphon(if so where would i get one or how do I make one) and my dad told...
  11. jerth6932

    New reef tank

    What is your procedure of changing your water? Are you preparing your own water? If so are you using RO water to do it? If you are using LFS water, check the water for Nitrates. Water changes are the best way to reduce them quickly.
  12. jerth6932


    I have never heard anything good come of the quick cures when it comes to diseases for fish. Corals are usually a lot easier! That's why i focus a lot of my tank time on the corals, they make nice "decor" .
  13. jerth6932

    Questions on sand

    Have you tried low placement aimed towards top of tank with your power heads, that way no direct water flow at the sand with water agitation on the top?
  14. jerth6932

    shark tank

    Eels, puffers, Triggers, and wrasses, but those have to be mixed and matched just right (look up a salt water fish compatibility chart). That would take a lot more then what I know, cause as far as they go, I know as much as you on them. I know reef tanks, sorry.
  15. jerth6932

    shark tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by chris6karate what kind of predators do u have in mine The problem there is I have no clue about predator tanks...... Never done one or done research. I'll look as see what I can find for ya.
  16. jerth6932

    shark tank

    Do you have the 100g tank yet? If not, shoot for a bigger tank, if so, I would recommend choosing maybe a predator tank?
  17. jerth6932

    shark tank

    I think you should look into the triggers you mentioned in another thread. Better chances of things working in that tank long term, and success of living.
  18. jerth6932

    550 gallon fowlr in wall diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by clekchau do you mean after the crash? it was rather sad, fish all died within 2 weeks, the rest took another 2 to 3 months to fully recover with alot of backbreaking water changes, hypo, etc . No, from the other tank to this one. Fish death is not VERY NICE, but...
  19. jerth6932

    550 gallon fowlr in wall diary

    Very nice, how long was your turn-a-round?
  20. jerth6932

    550 gallon fowlr in wall diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by clekchau fast forward to today, due to numerous scratches some major and having to walk on eggshells everytime i clean the tank, got a great deal on an all glass tank, 8 x 3 x 3 to replace the acrylic with. tank in truck, feel sorry for that truck lol Not feeling...