Search results

  1. jerth6932

    aquacultured spotted mandarian

    Quote: Originally Posted by ozzyodog AHH! I purchased a aqua cultured spotted from saltwater & i cant get it to eat any of the recommended food! good amount of copepods that i see him eat, but its been 2 months or so & he looks alittle thin! in a n 10 gal nano set up with a yellow watchman. any...
  2. jerth6932

    for meowser

    I found Meowzer, this is why shes the #1 poster here at
  3. jerth6932

    Why are the forums slowing down so much?

    I know since the new home page of, they put the "message boards" down on the bottom in small print, instead of on the top tabs as before. I thought when they originally did it, for like a week, they had gotten rid of the boards, because I couldn't find it. I think that people are having...
  4. jerth6932

    Coral, is it DECOR?

    Quote: Originally Posted by rainbow grouper Here is my take on it. The coral is the stage (Stage= Setting= Backdrop or better know as the scene or decorations or decor) a living (cause its coral, a living organism) stage , everything has to suit the stage whether it be the actors (Fish and...
  5. jerth6932

    The Official Insomniac MEGATHREAD

    So if your going for quantity over quality? lol Good the aquarium counts now......
  6. jerth6932

    The Official Insomniac MEGATHREAD

    So its just here for people like us who have nothing better to do (insert sleep) then type on a computer all night? Sure why not!!!! I didn't read through it, is there interesting stuff with in it?
  7. jerth6932

    The Official Insomniac MEGATHREAD

    I'm surprised I have never seen this thread before. It has been around for a while!
  8. jerth6932

    swamp people know how to have fun.

    I thought for sure this thread was going to be in refrence to the new Animal Planet show "Call of the Wild Man"..........
  9. jerth6932

    swamp people know how to have fun.

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Hey now, snake soup is pretty good. Kill em' and eat em' Keep their skins as souvenirs Personally I think you would taste like crap........ just a hunch....... Would you eating a snake be considered cannibalism?
  10. jerth6932

    "normal" appearance of Yellow Tang

    Mine, if I turn on my day lights on during the night cycle is almost a pale white color. During the day he is a vibrant yellow. They do change in color to a degree......
  11. jerth6932

    "normal" appearance of Yellow Tang

    Welcome!!!!! Pictures would help understand. Mine has a faint white stripe running down his side, always has. He eats lot of algae, nori strips, ect.
  12. jerth6932

    Coral, is it DECOR?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 From the beginning, I've kind of stated that corals are living decorations, NOT JUST decorations. You have to feed it, provide the proper conditions for it, etc. as you would a live animal, but they happen to be ornamental, and pleasing to the eye...
  13. jerth6932

    It's going to snow here tomorrow!

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef Well, neither you or Rainbow have answered me on the fiddler crab article . Sooo maybe you're ignoring me? Lol When did you become the care taker for the youngins? lol
  14. jerth6932

    Coral, is it DECOR?

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef Lol, I missed a lot in the last hour! Yep, I beat snake into submission...... as he claims he did his Abby.
  15. jerth6932

    Anyone have AIM?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 I just got back on AIM recently. AIM Handle: SnakeBlitz33 Post yours! AIM? Does that have something to do with AOL?
  16. jerth6932

    Coral, is it DECOR?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 People shouldn't just buy a coral because it's pleasing to the eye. New Hobbyists have to know that a coral is not just a piece of decor, but a living, breathing, eating, defending animal that will die if not taken care of, and a corals death shouldn't...
  17. jerth6932

    Suggestions for 29g

    Clownfish are Iconic for little ones. Take it from me, I have a "nemo" in my 24 gallon, every time some one new comes in my house, I hear "NEMO", not saltwater fish tank or even Clown fish. No age is excluded from that either. They know the NEMO's.
  18. jerth6932

    Coral, is it DECOR?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 From the beginning, I've kind of stated that corals are living decorations, not just decorations. You have to feed it, provide the proper conditions for it, etc. as you would a live animal, but they happen to be ornamental, and pleasing to the eye...
  19. jerth6932

    saltwater tattoo

    Quote: Originally Posted by deejeff442 by the way we just got home from dinner out.the girls at the restaurant where in holloween costumes.oh to be 20 years old had a dallas cowboy cheerleader outfit.her bottom wasnt 5 inches top to bottom..what a bod.i am so lucky my wife aint the...
  20. jerth6932

    Coral, is it DECOR?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Plants are living decor. Don't you have to provide them sunlight, water, and fertilizer? You can't just set em' on a shelf like a picture frame to gather dust. Ah, to me, a little name calling back and forth makes us friends. :D So with this are your...