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  1. ctgretzky9

    water parameter question

    Originally Posted by sufunk 20-25% every 3 days isnt too much? Anyone else have any suggestions about my water? its not too much. You arent going to do it forever...just to help get nitrates down. As long as you are properly mixing the water, all you are doing is adding water that is...
  2. ctgretzky9

    water parameter question

    Originally Posted by sufunk Penguin 170 filter, although im getting either a coralife super skimmer or aqua c remora Get rid of is a nitrate factory. Filters like this are really meant for freshwater tanks more than marine. They have a place in marine as places to drop carbon or...
  3. ctgretzky9

    Instant Ocean and cloudy water change

    Follow these water change instructions and never have another problem: Easiest way to get your alk steady is by also doing proper water changes....You will need: -1 cheap a rio 800 or a smaller maxi jet -1 cheap heater around 100-150 watt -1 cheap air pump and stone (somewhat...
  4. ctgretzky9

    Alternative methods for random current

    Originally Posted by Mr.125 Can someone elaborate on some methods used to create "waves" or random current fluctuations??? I do have a nice size power head that turns on when my lights do, and would like to incorporate something more consistant. I figured the calmer waters throughout the night...
  5. ctgretzky9

    Zoo's and Turbo snails

    Usually not. I have never had experience with them eating them. Most likely, they have food trapped around them or in between is also a new "flavor" since it has come from another tank...marine life is attracted to new "scents" of food, especially detrius eaters. Watch them though...ya...
  6. ctgretzky9

    Nudibranch ID / Care

    Originally Posted by schneidts Hi, That is a beautiful is, unfortunately, doomed. That is Hypselodoris bullocki. They feed only on a certain species of sponge, so the only advice I can give is to take as many pics as you can, and enjoy it while you can. Sadly, I have to agree...
  7. ctgretzky9

    water parameter question

    Originally Posted by sufunk I top off with distilled water. I definitely have a large bioload(overstocked) and ive been doing a 10-15% water change every 2-3 days for a month to get the nitrates down. 10-15% is not enough if you are overstocked. I suggest 20-25% or even a bit more. The 2-3...
  8. ctgretzky9

    Cleaner Clams at the Superstore

    I can only go by what people have posted on this and other message boards, my own experiences, and a good friend of mine who owns a reef aquarium shop and his customers...pretty broad criteria. Problem is they die UNDER substrate most of the time since they bury themselves. So they cant float...
  9. ctgretzky9

    water parameter question

    lmao...ok, last post on this subject, i promise...instructional on proper water changes, and here is a link to learn more about water chemistry: violation Easiest way to get your alk/pH/calc steady is by also doing proper water changes....You will need: -1 cheap
  10. ctgretzky9

    water parameter question

    Also...7.8 isnt all that bad...try and target around 8 or 8.2, but stability is most important! Some people have 7.8 their whole career as a hobbyist. Raise it slowly by doing a couple of extra water changes with the proper mixed water (24 hrs minimum) and keeping alk/calc in line
  11. ctgretzky9

    water parameter question

    Originally Posted by sufunk I recently started taking care of my tank, Its a 36g reef. My water test are: PH- 7.8 Amm.-0 Nitrites-0 Nitrate-10 (a little high but way down from 200) Calcium-500 KH- 8.8 Alk.-3.15 I know my Ph is a little low, not sure about Kh and Alk (if they are high or low)...
  12. ctgretzky9

    best way to feed star?

    You cannot feed them. They need TONS of live rock to graze on, in an established tank with good STABLE parameters. They do not tolerate swings in salinity or pH/alk. No one knows exactly what they eat, but best guesses are encrusting sponges, and other flora/fauna found only on rock hat has...
  13. ctgretzky9

    Cleaner Clams at the Superstore

    Good when they work...terrible when they die. They are not suggested to help lower ntrates, and you dont hear about them often because they are not reliable. When they die, consider the ammonia spike which can occur from such a "meaty" inhabitant. People have a tendency to post only their...
  14. ctgretzky9

    do corals effect bioload?

    Bio load so insignifigant that it isn't even brought up as a stocking issue. You are more apt to add more waste to the tank feeding the coral than the coral could ever expell as waste products. Add as much as you want. Placement to avoid chemical warfare is more important. And PS... anemones are...
  15. ctgretzky9

    This is really sad :-(

    Problem is we can only look at snapshots from the last few hundreds years or so with any kind of accuracy compared to the planet being millions of years old. Not much of a percentage. ice core research is still in its infancy and results thought solid years ago have fallen to the wayside. There...
  16. ctgretzky9

    Well Water Question

    Well water is fine, but you should have it tested. Usually high in minerals and some metals, as well as phosphates, which are all easily removed. I run mine thorugh a whole home softener and filter system, then it goes through my UV/ozone cyclonic filter with double .05 micron solid carbon blocks.
  17. ctgretzky9

    HEY time to review skimmers.....

    Coralife super skimmer. Works awesome with little dialing-in. I did a mod on mine anway, as I would wth any skimmer with small collection cups. I drilled a 1/4 inch dia. hole near the top of the collection cup, and ran large dia. airline tubing down into a 5 gal bucket. Too many close calls with...
  18. ctgretzky9

    Royal Damsel (N. Melas) eating galaxea?

    Why would my damsel start eating this coral? I have not seen any pods in it, there is nothing I can see him eating within the tentacles, and he eats is all during the day, not during feeding, when I could understand he would be picking food from it. I watched him over the last couple of days...
  19. ctgretzky9

    Grounding probes and GFCI...IMPORTANT

    Originally Posted by Bronco300 how do you know how many amps outlets you need? is it possible to hook up an entire tank to the outlet type...or i plug surge timers into it..i have 3 smaller ph, heater, and 2 lighting fixtures(one PC130 and a smaller 20w i have like 7-8 plugs to...
  20. ctgretzky9

    Grounding probes and GFCI...IMPORTANT

    It literally takes 5 minutes to change it out. Go to any hardware store, tell them you want a gfci outlet. Turn off the breaker for the outlet you want to change out. Remove coverplate, remove existing outlet. Install GFCI outlet according to instructions. It really is just replacing what you...