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  1. ctgretzky9

    ph is low what to do??

    Your pH is low probably due to your buffer system being low. Alk and calc are your related buffers. In simple terms what this means is at proper levels for alkalinity and calcium, you can add acid (by way of fish waste, top off water, left over uneaten food etc...) and the buffer "eats" the...
  2. ctgretzky9

    What could be so bad...

    As well, I suggest testing pH in the morning and at night, so you can get an accurate veiw of any swings. Also...if you are using a lot of top off water, and you buffer isnt up to par, it can swing things quickly. I suggest, if this is the case, using b-ionic alk/calc to help with the swings...
  3. ctgretzky9

    What could be so bad...

    Alk, calc and pH are all related. If one is off, many times the others may be off. pH is the actual measurement of the acidity of the water, the alk/calc is the measurement of the buffer capacity of the how much acid can be added to the water before the pH will swing. Test your alk...
  4. ctgretzky9

    What could be so bad...

    Check your alk level, I have heard this will kill them/stunt them as well. How are you mixing water change water?
  5. ctgretzky9


    <<<salinity 1.022 today <--- Try raising this to 1.025 SLOWLY over a few days. Easiest way to slowly do it is let water evaporate normally without adding top-off water. Also try to keep it VERY stable... dont let it go from 1.022 - 1.024 in a day.>>> Good advice, best to raise it with proper...
  6. ctgretzky9


    Originally Posted by sommergurl nitrates 0 calcium 350 ppm ph 8.3 amonia 0 salinity 1.022 today 1 brittle star 1 anemone 2 perculas 1 lemon peel 1 cbs 1 emerald crab 1 tang - blonde naso 2 anemones Your salinity is too low, calcium way too low, and I am suspecting your alkalinty is out of...
  7. ctgretzky9

    What could be so bad...

    What are your other parameters? Alkalinity, calcium, magnesium (if possible) Ammonia obviously is a problem, but you may not have had that before the LR was added, so I would maybe rule that out, unless you have something dead somewhere rotting. Salinity level? Too high or low of a salinity...
  8. ctgretzky9

    Barrier Reef

    I think the Australians are overfeeding the reefs. They need to export the nutrients quicker and add more flow. A protein skimmer may help too.
  9. ctgretzky9

    Orange linka starfish

    Originally Posted by wieselspor My LFS has an orange linka. Most things I read say they are reef safe. I was just wondering if anyone has any advice. It would add some nice contrast to my tank. Thanks They are beautiful, but you will need to have: 1. A "mature" tank, a year or older is best...
  10. ctgretzky9

    let it sit 4 months lots of bristle worms friend or foe?

    Make sure you are mixing your water change replacement water the correct way to stabilize pH and alkalinity. It should be mixed for 24 hrs at least. I am finding out more and more people's problems stem directly from improperly "aging" the water before replacing.
  11. ctgretzky9

    Whats your light cycle

    250 watt MH pendant 12 hour cycle.
  12. ctgretzky9

    Salt mix, let's do it again

    All of the salts are good in each their own way. You simply have to learn by doing your own testing which one works best for you. I have used a bunch of different, and I am now a firm beliver in Instant ocean. Although the calcium is tested at slightly lower than it needs to be (380-400), that...
  13. ctgretzky9

    do you scrap the sides

    I have a hex tank...I keep 4 sides clear (veiwable) and the other two i let go wild with anything that grows on it.
  14. ctgretzky9

    "slug" ID

    cool....thanks as usual Guy!
  15. ctgretzky9

    "slug" ID

    Sorry, no pic, but easy to describe. It looks like a slug of some sort. It is round to oval, all black with a small white/off white line on its back. About 1/2' long/wide if that. Find it on my live rock only so far. Any ideas? Thanks!!!
  16. ctgretzky9


    awesome products, been using them for a while now, and it keeps the parameters perfect when properly dosed.
  17. ctgretzky9

    alkalinity help

    Originally Posted by matty0h_52 is it cool to use the stick to measure my nirtite and nitrate, and ammmonia or do you think do away with them all All of those test strips that measure high , low etc are crap. Carbonate hardness, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrates and all parameters should be...
  18. ctgretzky9

    alkalinity help

    Proper water changes, by far, is the best solution to level out your Alk. It will do it safely, especially for a newb to reefs. How are you mixing up your changeout water? Improper water changes will affect Alk, because your co2/o2 relation will be off. Make certain to be mixing up your change...
  19. ctgretzky9

    Temp. ?

    There is no differnce between temps of 77 and 83 or thereabouts. Keeping it constant or as close to constant is all that matters. Mine is at 81 right now, but goes as high as 82 and as low as80. No difference in the tank whatsoever.
  20. ctgretzky9

    help me with ph levels having troble

    Originally Posted by The reef The main problem i having is my ph level still at a stand still and am wondering how to get it up pluse when i check my ph in my ready made saltwater the ph says it is 7.9 and may be a lower reading becaouse the watter is colder then the calibration fluid. but dnot...