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  1. ctgretzky9

    help me with ph levels having troble

    Agreed with bangguy. I just couldnt get the words out lol. Listen to Guy...he helped me more than anyone else in this hobby. :happy:
  2. ctgretzky9

    Leaky tank

    Agree with latino...option A. Do it right the first time
  3. ctgretzky9

    Can't Keep Corals????

    Originally Posted by scoobydoo Sorry it took so long getting back. I'm on vacation and had to take the kids to play mini-golf. They kicked my [hr] ! I was thinking about the ammo when I was out. It's always 0 so I was confused. I'm guessing its from the green bubble that's dieing. I also...
  4. ctgretzky9


    Copper is tough to get out. I have heard of it getting "into" the Live rock, plumbing etc... But...doing very frequent water changes will do the trick. Run carbon. Eventually you should get it out of the system. It may take a month or so, but you can get it out. I beleive they also have a...
  5. ctgretzky9

    Can't Keep Corals????

    Originally Posted by scoobydoo Apparently, my temp is 88. My heaters are set at 80 and they keep going on so I unplugged them to see what happens. I add about 2 gallons of distilled water everyday. I just ordered a 6 stage RO/DI from the auction site which will ship UPS today. I just tested...
  6. ctgretzky9

    help me with ph levels having troble

    Originally Posted by The reef im thinking of adding ph up to the buckets of watter i make 2 weeks prior to the watter changes maybe if i can get the ph up on the watter im adding i will only have to add little bit of buffering when i nottice any drop. I just noticed this...2 weeks? You dont...
  7. ctgretzky9

    help me with ph levels having troble

    Are you mixing your makeup water correctly? When you have mixed and aerated, it should be around 8.1-8.2. 7.9 isnt horribile, by the way. More about that later... What is your alk level? It is a dkh or a mq/l measurement. This is important. Your Sg is too low...bring that up to around 1.025...
  8. ctgretzky9

    Can't Keep Corals????

    In pristine water conditions, a temp swing may not matter that much, but it isnt good for the tank either. I think in the current conditions, with less than pristine water, it is possible that it is another contributing factor. I suggest getting a fan to blow across the water. I do this, and no...
  9. ctgretzky9

    My brown polyp is walking and my emerald has coraline growing on him...

    Originally Posted by Ant ct-sorry about the confusion with my posts. They were two different questions. My emerald crab has coraline growing on him and I have a hermit crab that took my empty shell with the polyp on it. I glued that shell on the LR when I got it and he managed to get it off...
  10. ctgretzky9

    My brown polyp is walking and my emerald has coraline growing on him...

    Are you sure you mean Emerald crab? They dont take on new shells :thinking: they are just crabs that molt. If you mean hermit crabs (scarlet, blue legged, zebra etc...) then it is quite normal for them to have all sorts of things on their shells, and as a matter of fact, anytime I have bought...
  11. ctgretzky9

    Can't Keep Corals????

    Originally Posted by scoobydoo Ok, I'll mix the salt in a rubbermaid bucket as usual and then wait 24 hours. Do I need a powerhead and heater? What about top offs? Do I have to wait 24 hours for that too. You dont have to wait 24 hrs for top offs. Just make sur eyou are using good quality...
  12. ctgretzky9

    This picture may make some of you feel sad... 3:38:44 pm

    It made me sad that people still believe in hocus pocus and go on blind faith instead of just being nice to others just of their own merit.. It made me sad that people need a supreme being of some kind to act civil to eachother on the surface, yet the bloodiest wars and deaths of torture were...
  13. ctgretzky9

    Can't Keep Corals????

    Originally Posted by scoobydoo I tested alkalinity but my test kit is Red Sea and only has low, normal and high. Its halfway between normal and high. I use a hydrometer? I'll have my LFS check it. Get a test kit more reliable than that. SeaTest makes a good one. You probably have high...
  14. ctgretzky9

    Can't Keep Corals????

    Have you tested alkalinity at all? I had trouble for a while when I found out my alk was extremely high. Nothing was dying, but they didnt look all that great. Your salinity is fine, but 1.025 is supposed to be better, but I would say .024 should be fine. Maybe your next batch of water you could...
  15. ctgretzky9

    help me with ph levels having troble

    Originally Posted by The reef i used to have a color test for my ph levels and could never determine where they were wondering why so many fish would get sick then i got a diggital ph pen and now i know why most hard to keep fish are verry sensitive about the ph level verry hardy fish however...
  16. ctgretzky9

    Open Letter to CBS news

    This thread is almost 3 years old!!!! Please look at the dates of posts before responding to old material.
  17. ctgretzky9

    My first 5-Pak

    Originally Posted by Reeferman1 Keonia, yes the MH pendants are great for the hex design. Let us know what you choose. Ctgretzky, I forgot to mention I dig your your rock placement! :jumping: Thanks Reefer! Im sure you know what a pain it is in a hex! lol...I used some of that marineland putty...
  18. ctgretzky9

    My first 5-Pak

    Originally Posted by keonia ahhh.. you guys are my inspiration..[/SIZE] I will get there one day!!! Thanks also to both of you guys for posting your whole set up pictures!! I'm still in the process of trying to find a light!! I may switch to the pendant style!!! I really like both of your set...
  19. ctgretzky9

    My first 5-Pak

    Originally Posted by Reeferman1 Tank looks great! :jumping: With the MH lights that tank will blossom. How do you like your filtration set up? P.S. I had a pink skunk clown jump out of the tank during the night. Don't know how he got out because I'm using a egg crate. :mad: Thanks for your...
  20. ctgretzky9

    My first 5-Pak

    Three pics of tank. I simply cannot take good pics...they arent very clear or representive. Coral are yellow polyps, various shrooms, green zoos, red sea fan, and galexia. You can see some of the white putty/epoxy, but it is quickly becoming covered with coraline.