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  1. usinkit

    calcium and alk problems

    Thomas and Bang thanks for the help and I will post my results when I do the water change.
  2. usinkit

    calcium and alk problems

    I have another small problem. I have changed my brand of salt from IO to Oceanic. If the Oceanic salt is high in calcium will this present me with another problem? I plan on doing a water change tommorrow.
  3. usinkit

    calcium and alk problems

    so i guess I should stop dosing buffer and also test for mag. what is the ideal mag level? thanks
  4. usinkit

    36" Tek Light: 4-39W in San diego

    sorry I thought it was a retro kit.
  5. usinkit

    36" Tek Light: 4-39W in San diego

    do you have the icecap reflectors?
  6. usinkit

    calcium and alk problems

    On friday and saturday my alk was 9.1-9.9dkh and calcium was 450. I continued to add my 2 TSP of buffer to get to 10.5 dkh and now today my alk is 7.7 and calcium 390. Can anyone tell me whats goiing on? My water is crystal clear and no signs of the calcium falling out of solution. Thanks for...
  7. usinkit

    calcium and alk problems

    Thanks mojoreef. If I stop adding calcium and continue to add buffer will this help stop the calcium from falling out of solution?
  8. usinkit

    calcium and alk problems

    wax32 my calcium was hanging around 375 to 400 with the C-Balance . When I switched to the powder I just picked 2 TSP to start with and havent seen a jump in the numbers, so I continued with 2 TSP until I hit my target number of 430-450. Next thing I know I overshot my target number and then I...
  9. usinkit

    calcium and alk problems

    Ive been having problems with maintaining my alk. My calcium has been 450-500 and my alk is hovering around 7.1 to 7.7 dkh. I dose 2 TSP of kent super buffer and 2 TSP of Reef Advantage calcium by Seachem everyday. I just recently switched over to powder from C-Balance. The C-Balance was working...
  10. usinkit

    calcium and alk problems

    Ive been having problems with maintaining my alk. My calcium has been 450-500 and my alk is hovering around 7.1 to 7.7 dkh. I dose 2 TSP of kent super buffer and 2 TSP of Reef Advantage calcium by Seachem everyday. I just recently switched over to powder from C-Balance. The C-Balance was working...
  11. usinkit

    Some New Pics

    No , its a YWG and a royal gramma. A friend of mine has a YWG with a lawnmower blenny with no problems.
  12. usinkit

    Adding Trace Elements

    I hear the taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. usinkit

    Adding Trace Elements

    ctgretzky9, I agree now having heard some great advice I will stiick with 5 gallon water changes once aweek. Thanks.
  14. usinkit

    Adding Trace Elements

    BANG GUY, Well i guess that answers my ?. If I were going to do this this would add more work then its worth. It wasnt a money issue more of getting out of some work issue. Thanks for your input.
  15. usinkit

    Adding Trace Elements

    ctgretzky9 the reason I wanted to try this is before I never ran a refugium and could never keep my nitrates down below 20 no matter what I did for water changes. Now that I have a refugium I have seen how important of a role the refugium plays. To me running the refugium is almost like cheating...
  16. usinkit

    Adding Trace Elements

    I hear what your saying. I just wanted to know if it was possible to do. Just an ideal thrown out to see if anyone has been doing that. Thanks for the info.
  17. usinkit

    Adding Trace Elements

    I would like to know if anyone adds trace elements to their tank. Iam thinking of doing this instead of doing water changes of 5 gallons every two weeks on my 40 gl w/30 sump/refugium and just start doing 5-7gallons once a month. My nitrates and phosphates stay right at 0, so I figure adding...
  18. usinkit

    Some New Pics

    These ones I have half way up the tank under 384 watts of PC. They really can be placed anywhere and medium lighting with low to medium flow have worked for me. I still have a long way to go to having this tank complete. It takes time, but thats the fun part about this hobby!!!! Enjoy!
  19. usinkit

    Some New Pics

    jrandolph1 those are orange rim zoos I actually purchased from SWF.COM.
  20. usinkit

    Some New Pics

    Yes I do agree with having the lid on tight. Mine likes to jet around the top and when he sees himself in the reflection he really goes nuts!!!!