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  1. ctgretzky9

    Red Algea??

    Yes, thats the name, thanks. I have one in my tank and can never remember its name. I know it will turn black as it gets older, thats ok, I was willing to have that occur eventually since I liked it so much as a juvenille. By the time it gets bigger and uglier Ill have a 200+ tank so it wont...
  2. ctgretzky9

    polyp colony coming apart

    Funny you posted this....i have a clove polyp colony and some zoos and as they overgrow the rock they are on, they fall off and get moved about the tank in the current until they fall into a crevice or corner. The weird thing is, that these seem to be doing better than the original colonies they...
  3. ctgretzky9

    Red Algea??

    Snipe, in your avatar, what kind of damsel is that? I have one, and for the sake of me I cannot remeber the name of it or find it anywhere! Thanks!
  4. ctgretzky9

    I twanged my tang

    Tangs are grazing fish. They spend all day picking at things (usually good LR) so the way you are doing it is actually correct if your LR doesnt have a lot of algae on it. I feed mine with a grid salad clip, and put some tenura blue or frozen algae cubes in it. Since I have been doing that the...
  5. ctgretzky9

    Watts Per Gallon?

    You MUST have some kind of splash guard on an MH bulb. Most units wil have a peice of glass that covers the bulb. Water splashing directly on a hot bulb could cause it to burst.
  6. ctgretzky9

    Something is eating my crabs.

    What size is your tank? CBS are usually not tolerant of other shrimp, but as usual there are always exceptions...keep an eye out for it. As fas as your problem, I agree with yeffre...sure it isnt the molting exoskeleton you are seeing? They look exactly like whatever it comes off of. Have you...
  7. ctgretzky9

    Starfish desintegrating

    WAY too soon for a star of any kind, especially with that little live rock. Wait another 6 mo to a year before attempting it again. Starts need lots of LR to graze on as well. Also, your didnt tell us how you did this. Stars need about 2-3 hrs of acclimation, using eithr a...
  8. ctgretzky9

    spaghetti worms soap opera ,part II

    bristle worms freak me out too! uuugh, i have some small ones in my tank, i dont even want to think what they will be like a year from now! My post was no help at all i know lol :rolleyes:
  9. ctgretzky9

    Starfish desintegrating

    we totally need more info: Age of tank amount of live rock ALL parameters (amm, trites, trates, salinity/sg, ph, alk, etc...) YOUR ACCLIMATION PROCESS is the most important Thank you!
  10. ctgretzky9

    Couple of pictures of 1st lr

    No that is great! Im glad it is doing well, when I saw the pic, your tank looked really clean and I just thought it was new. It is a beautiful specimen, Id love to get one myself, but had read they arent reef-safe. :thinking:
  11. ctgretzky9

    is this normal?

    hey MPLS...if your tank is low on demand for calcium, it could very well stay that way for a while i would think. IO is low on calcium to begin with, and I have learne dover the last few weeks that I need to dose it occasionally thanks to Bang guy. All of my parameters are perfect, and I noticed...
  12. ctgretzky9

    All inverts dead! HELP!

    Copper can come from like what claw said...could be something in the tank? Another great point brought up was acclimation...they need acclimation same as a fish might, though many skip this and they are fine. I acclimate everything for at least an hour regardless just to be safe. Good luck, hope...
  13. ctgretzky9

    All inverts dead! HELP!

    On another board, the same problem resulted in a copper test which turned out positive. Copper will kill inverts fast. You should also be testing your alkalinity. Your lighting may leave a bit to be desired if you are deciding to go with coral or anemones. HTH
  14. ctgretzky9

    All inverts dead! HELP!

    On another board, the same problem resulted in a copper test which turned out positive. Copper will kill inverts fast.
  15. ctgretzky9

    Couple of pictures of 1st lr

    How old is your tank? It looks very new as far as the sand etc...That choc chip star will probably need to be spot fed if the tank is new, otherwise I suggest taking it out since it will probably starve. In any event, cc stars will not fare well with any coral if that is your final intentions...
  16. ctgretzky9

    How do i remove Red bugs w/o harming my inverts?

    There is a brilliant thread on another board regarding this, and a possible cure that is being used....I actually read it yesterday. Unfortunately, since we can't link to other websites, you can email me and I'll give you the link to the thread.
  17. ctgretzky9

    How do people come up with this lighting ratio?

    When you say it that way, as a general indication of basic lighting, then I can see how it can be usefull in a quick analysis. In another way, however, I can see how it can also be a problem with someone like me who has a 60 hex where the depth is twice that of a standard 55. I guess Im speaking...
  18. ctgretzky9

    tropic marine vs. instant ocean

    This is why salt is such a personal preference. Once you get to know your salt, doesnt matter what you use if it is working. That' sall that matters PS-druluv...another bob marley fan huh? I just downloaded tons of mpeg's of concert avatar is from a screen shot of "stir it up"...
  19. ctgretzky9

    How do people come up with this lighting ratio?

    watts per gallon is an old standard from years ago, and I am baffled as to why people still use this formula. It is bogus especially with so many different "non-standard" tank depths and sizes, not to mention acrylic custom tanks. I say if you are having great luck with what you have now, and...
  20. ctgretzky9

    tropic marine vs. instant ocean

    If it aint broke.... I have read posts where people have changed, and all of a sudden they have problems wih diatom outbreaks, or the water chem is screwed up all of a sudden... Stick with what ya got since you already know what you do/don't have to do to supplement the salt you're used to.