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  1. ctgretzky9

    High temps

    Originally Posted by scoobydoo O, I'm surprised you didn't :jumping: on this! :D Anyway, hypo works with fish only in qt but your inverts, corals and lr will not survive the low salinity. I did jump on it when the person posted that their inverts were wiped out lol...He or she was under the...
  2. ctgretzky9

    High temps

    Originally Posted by lawrence I was told 3 days at 90-92 I was told from reliable source I also would put extra air in water but my guy did not and had no losses 3 days would not be sufficient to treat ich in any form. Ich has a parasitic stage and a swimming stage, the complete cycle can...
  3. ctgretzky9

    crab too big? standard?

    lol zebra hermits? 1 inch? Just wait, that bugger will get huge. I have 2 that are about 3" now in only a few months. I think, dont quote, but zebra can get up to around 4-5" or so. As far as damaging coral, mine never nip at anything, but like to go around like a bull in a china shop. They...
  4. ctgretzky9

    High temps

    Never heard of the "90 degree cure" at all. I used "kick-ich" in my tank for the 13 (or 15? i forget) day cycle and it worked perfectly. And on any boards i have gone to, others have used it with great success as well. I only had soft corals at the time, so i dont know how hard corals will...
  5. ctgretzky9

    How do you keep your powerheads from falling down

    I used the suction cups on my maxi-jet, and tied 2 thicker fishing lines from the top of the unit up and over around to the back of my tank stand. Im pretty sure this would work for the long term as well. I have a 60 hex, so its really deep and the haning attachment simply wont work.
  6. ctgretzky9

    Galexia needs

    Bought some for my tank a week or so ago attached to a peice of rock. For now, I have the rock sitting at the bottom in an open space as I was waiting for LFS to get in some marine glue so I can attatch rock to rock without a reef-a-lanche. I cant find a good requirement description on light...
  7. ctgretzky9

    Feather duster and bubble tip anemone

    The bubble tip sounds like it isnt getting enough light. By the fact it lived a month afer the accident, and it is now turning white! Only 2 bulbs does not sound like enough light depending on tank size/depth. Please get wattage of thoselights, but this would be my best guess base don what you...
  8. ctgretzky9

    why not some pics

    I want to see more pics of :cheer:
  9. ctgretzky9

    Adding Trace Elements

    no prob! glad to help out a fellow ct taxpayer
  10. ctgretzky9

    Adding Trace Elements

    us...I see what you mean since you have a fuge. I guess I may have spoken also of my own set up where I am using a canister filter and wet/dry, so for me water changes are an absolute must. I sometimes even do 2 a week if i see my trates get up to above 20. I would still, however, think that...
  11. ctgretzky9

    Adding Trace Elements

    IT is certainbly possible I would imagine, but I would reccomend against it. What scares me most, is adding things like iodine and magnesium and elements like these. An overdose of these types of elements could cause death very quickly. Most salt mixes have these elements already "measured" out...
  12. ctgretzky9

    Lower light anemone

    Originally Posted by devilshand IMO you should have any anenomes becaus there mortality rate is very very bad in home aquariums and the dont die in the wild so they should all be left on the reef. :D I have to disagree. They can be kept in the aquarium quite easily ONCE you have a stable tank...
  13. ctgretzky9

    Adding Trace Elements

    The water changes are replacing your trace elements, and in addition it is diluting any contaminants. If it is working, changing things can quickly screw it all up. The water changes themseleves are probably WHY you are having good readings :-)
  14. ctgretzky9

    Mail Order Coral & Fish

    Originally Posted by ophiura "Not with money, but with the joy the board brings each and every day" LOL!!!! :D lmao...good luck with all of THAT Oph! In any event, thank you for all of the factual information you provide to me and everyone else all the time, and your valuable opinions as well...
  15. ctgretzky9

    tropic marine vs. instant ocean

    Just go slow switching your salts. Test your replacement water once it is done mixing up so you know what the parameters are of it, and so you know what may need to be supplemented. Then, I would test the aquarium water a few hours after a water change, and keep testing more often than you do...
  16. ctgretzky9

    Mail Order Coral & Fish

    I won't ever order again online. Minimum order amount and the imaginary charges make it a non-value in my opinion. The only fish I ever had die were from an online retailer. I like being able to go to LFS and pick and choose myself. I would order dry goods from online though.
  17. ctgretzky9

    300g Mixed Reef Video

    Awesome video! Made me want to break out my T&C 7' surfboard and ride some on your tank! No need for me to go to Montauk point in a couple of weeks if I had that at my house. A note about the anemones...not to violent at all, stuck had it 100%...ive seen those suckers in near the shore being...
  18. ctgretzky9

    All Dead!

    Oh sorry to hear about your losses. I dont think anyone is ever really 100% sure nothing can go wrong with any hobbies they enjoy. Unfortunately in hobbies where living creatures are involved, the risk is even higher. I got a sponge intake part for my powerheads recently just in time...
  19. ctgretzky9

    tropic marine vs. instant ocean

    Instant ocean does not contain phosphates or nitrates. I have tested it on numerous occasions for this reason, and never a trace of either. Just figured I'd throw that out there.
  20. ctgretzky9

    polyp colony coming apart

    Rubberduck, No, they are in completely different flows and light etc. all over the tank now. The original colony looks fine, nothing out of the ordinary except they dont seem as bright and "hairy" as the ones that have overgrown the rock and fallen off....which brings me to...