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  1. cartman101

    Warning about grocery store RO Water

    Really? I haven't had a problem with it at all.
  2. cartman101

    ?*fishy Question*?

    Two out of the three fish you mention can't be placed in a 55gal. That would be the trigger and tang, they just get to big and will need the room to swim. The lionfish will be fine in your size tank. Any other fish suggestions you looking at?
  3. cartman101

    Lets Go Retro...

    I would like to bring back my chainlink eel. It was because of him that I got into this hobby . I still remember that day when I had to give him up....
  4. cartman101

    if you could...

    I would be a T-rex! Then everyone can fear me!!
  5. cartman101

    AquaFuge HOB external refugium.

    I was planning on setting one up before i start up my sump.
  6. cartman101

    WOW! School screwed up bad!

    Originally Posted by jr2857 cartman even though i'm in 7th grade my grade has never gone below an A- .....I REALLY dont care???? That was very random....
  7. cartman101

    Will a cleaner shrimp make it in my tank?

    Sorry, Just forgot.
  8. cartman101

    Is cyno harmful in FOWLR setup?

    I can see some dark black/brown cyno growing on the sand. Is this harmful? Should I point the PH towards the sand? :notsure:
  9. cartman101

    Philosophical question: is it mean to feed some fish every day but not all?

    I feed my eel once a week, squid and a silver side. I feed my trigger and damsel 2 times a week, and my lion one meal week (trying to starve him so he can take frozens). I wouldn't worry Jcrim you had your shark for this long and I'm sure you are doing everything right.
  10. cartman101

    Aqua skimmate

    Ok Cool!
  11. cartman101

    Will a cleaner shrimp make it in my tank?

    Yeah the grouper will definitly eat it But hey! They are cheap so give it a try BTW, what kind of grouper?
  12. cartman101

    Philosophical question: is it mean to feed some fish every day but not all?

    Originally Posted by jcrim I don't have hermits and snails. Maybe I should get some but I know they wouldn't last long. Either your ray will get to them first or the shark. I would go buy a few and see what happens.
  13. cartman101

    Philosophical question: is it mean to feed some fish every day but not all?

    Jcrim, I really wouldn't worry, as long as you DO feed your shark. If your shark is hungry he/she will probably snack on your hermits or snails. And like what raround said. Fish hunt for food they dont eat everyday....heck eels can go up for months if they get a great big meal.
  14. cartman101

    WOW! School screwed up bad!

    Well they have been having problems with there computers lately :thinking: BigB, I had a 100% in spanish 1st quarter and 93% in 2 quarter, so how can that average out to a 83%?????? Idiots......
  15. cartman101

    My New Lion

    what! Canerous things???????? What have you been smokin'? :notsure: The lion probably looks waaaaaay hotter then you.
  16. cartman101

    Aqua skimmate

    Not to hijack your thread but I have one question, howcome my turboflotor skimmer will stop producing foam? When ever it stops producing foam, i clean out the pump and then it will work just fine again but then the next day it wont pull out any foam?? Its almost like I need to clean out the pump...
  17. cartman101

    AquaFuge HOB external refugium.

    How are the mangrooves? They get the work done good? Hard to care for? What size is yours?
  18. cartman101

    WOW! School screwed up bad!

    Well I got my report card today and it says I got a 83% in spanish and then it says I got a A- in that class and in english it says i got a 74% when my teacher told me that I would be getting a 77%. WTF? :help: Just to show you all how retarded my school is
  19. cartman101

    BEHOLD! The Older brother of JAWS!!

    Actully, the director who made the mask of zorro (what ever that movie was called) is planning on making "Meg". Just what I have herd.
  20. cartman101

    Powerhead stinks

    Maybe a good cleaning will do the trick?