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  1. cartman101

    $130 to make a refugium?

    ok, now how did u make your own overflow??????? will a HOB refugium take up alot of room??
  2. cartman101

    Angler questions for the Experienced

    turbonut- yea definitly true! Mine swam like a maniac when food hit the water and he would swim to the other side of the tank, but usely he always walked. It was really funny how he swam
  3. cartman101

    Live Silversides?

    go with anything put silver sides. Next time when you are at the lfs ask them to let you see the nutrion facts. On the package i saw it said 90 something % of water and the rest was meat :thinking:
  4. cartman101

    How to get new fish to eat

    Yeah the aguria(sp) butterfly fish is definitly picking at the rocks, about 4-5in. The lion is a volitan lionfish, about 4in.
  5. cartman101

    $130 to make a refugium?

    ay, just screw it. Overflow will cost me 1/2 of the money....... Maybe i will just spend the money on some really good filter... $70 for a CPR overflow!
  6. cartman101

    $130 to make a refugium?

    Ok well i received $130 dollars from christmas, is it possible to make a refugium with that much money or do i need waaaay more? I have then tank, my tank isn't driiled though. I may go with a bigger tank not sure though....but probably. So what do i need and how much will everything cost me...
  7. cartman101

    Your best gift you got!

    i got $130 too from my grandparents, dunno what i should spend it on? Lizard or refugium? Definitly a refugium LOL
  8. cartman101

    How to get new fish to eat

    i tried the garlic too, forgot to mention that, is there a certain kind i should be using? I dont know if i soaked the garlic right but i took some garlic cloves, put them in with the food and froze it then later on i took the food out and tried feeding it to my fish. Um, i cant post pictures...
  9. cartman101

    How to get new fish to eat

    Yesterday i received a lionfish and a butterfly fish from my dad as a gift. Today they are swimming fine, doesn't look like they are sick at all. I tried to feed my lion some squid/krill/live ghost shrimp and he turned them down! I tried to feed the butterfly fish flakes/broccoli/lettuce/spinach...
  10. cartman101

    Your best gift you got!

    So what was your best gift you got? For me its my 2 fish that my dad brought home for surprise, lionfish and a butterfly fish! Or was it that weight lifting bench??? Nah, definitly the fish. So what was yours?
  11. cartman101

    Little emergency people!

    well......tank is actully about 6 months old! Maybe 5 1/2? Absolutly NO redness anywhere! The fish is about 4-5in. I threw in some flakes but she didn't go for them, she just wants to pick stuff off the rocks! I want her to start eating something so that i know she will eat, will lettuce or any...
  12. cartman101

    Merry Christmas To Everyone

    2 more hours untill i can open 5 presents! The i gotta wait till tommorow to opent he rest O well at least theres alot for me! :jumping:
  13. cartman101

    colored angler

    Originally Posted by AW2 The reason they should be kept in species only tanks is either they'll eat the other tank mates or, the other tank mates will out compete the Angler for food, because they dont move very fast. So, yes...if you dont want to end up with a picked on, malnurished Angler...
  14. cartman101

    Fun time ... identify what you can see ...

    I'm guessing 7 or 8. I think i see something that is a fish so thats why i said 8. :thinking:
  15. cartman101

    Movie Mess Ups...LETS HEAR THEM!

    1)In war of worlds all the power is out (even batteries) and some guys video cam is still taping the alien tripod. Theres only one reason for that....the aliens wanted to be video taped by that camcord and that same guy 2) all those disney movies
  16. cartman101

    handfeeding fish?

    Originally Posted by Squidd Should be just as concerened about "toxins" in the tank getting on your hands/arms/small cuts etc... thats true too
  17. cartman101

    Little emergency people!

    I just turned the lights on and WOW!!!!! is that butterfly fish beautiful!! Hes picking at stuff on the rocks right now, i wonder what?
  18. cartman101

    Lights off the whole day when acclimating fish?

    just delete this run on post mods.
  19. cartman101

    Lights off the whole day when acclimating fish?

    Now this question has been bugging me. Do i have to leave the lights off the whole day for acclimating fish? Can i turn the light on for about an hour after the lights have been off for 3hours possibly even more?