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  1. cartman101

    How Much Money Is Everyone Into Their Tank?

    Originally Posted by AW2 Most people, who are seriously in this hobby, dont want to think about how much money they've spent on their tanks. And, I've ran across some people who find it offensive when they're asked. That's kinda like asking "How much did your house cost?" or "How much money do...
  2. cartman101

    favorite shark

    Originally Posted by AW2 And what do you do with the specimens that outgrow your system? AW2, there ya go again. *Dude the pond is in a beach house, when they grow out of the pond then he can return them to the ocean*
  3. cartman101

    Cant seem to find the gift!?

    Well this is what i'v learned, all the crappy gifts (clothes) are pretty much simple to find but the awesome fun stuff are the HARDEST to find.
  4. cartman101

    now i know where Jurassic Park 4 will be shoot at!!!

    Forgot to mention "READ THE WHOLE THING!"
  5. cartman101

    now i know where Jurassic Park 4 will be shoot at!!!

    Right here! Juassic Park 4 shooting
  6. cartman101

    huge storm

    Originally Posted by Darth Tang What happenned to global warming........ Thats only florida......
  7. cartman101

    Cant seem to find the gift!?

    Originally Posted by Tizzo Why in the world would you wanna know what your getting?? The best part of the holiday's is the suspence. Once you know, your simply waiting... I think it would suck to know what's comin'. Yeah good point. :notsure:
  8. cartman101

    Cant seem to find the gift!?

    Well its that time of year again......hunting for x-mas presents in my house that my parents put away. But it seems like this year they have actully out smarted me So i'm asking all you people out there, where does everyone hide your gifts? :thinking:
  9. cartman101

    best way

    bucket!? I never herd of any LFS doing that, very interesting. But yeah i net all my fish out of the bag (being very careful) and then dump it into the tank after acclimating. Just like what unleashed said, becareful of netting the lion, but in most case you should be fine netting him
  10. cartman101

    best way

    I would say from a net??
  11. cartman101

    37 gal corner FOWLR tank setup

    that should be fine! But heres the problem, theres not alot of aggressive fish that can go into that size tank. You could do a dwarf lion for sure, i dunno about any other fish well i know theres some out there but i cant think about them now.
  12. cartman101

    huge storm

    OMG! My first snow day! Theres snow on the ground here in branson, MO and no school! My second time seeing snow
  13. cartman101

    Ive seen the best fish ever

    Well my favorite all time fish is shark, any kind of shark. Why shark you ask? Well ever since i was little i loved sharks LOL. But the fish that got me into this hobby was a eel i saw at the lfs one day.
  14. cartman101


    Originally Posted by gasguzzler If you consider "quite a while" 9-10 months, go for it. The length of time you could realistically keep a bamboo in a 125 is short at best. IMO, it wouldnt be worth it. Wait for a larger tank so you dont have to move it later or rethink your stocking ideas...
  15. cartman101

    Some new Fish

    Originally Posted by AW2 Do you have other, larger tanks, to move the majority of those fish to, when they outgrow the shallow depth of the current tank? Cool tank, BTW. There ya go again, telling people to upgrade right off the bat
  16. cartman101

    SO who's all going to go see the big ape next week?

    Well of course i am!!!!!!! I'm going the first day it comes out! That movie looks awesome, the only thing that dissapoints me is how fake the dinosaurs look, i'm so use to the animatronic dinos in Jurassic park...they look so much more realistic, thats what peter jackson should of done. So whos...
  17. cartman101

    The meaning of LIFE

    You forgot something....... " YOU HAVE JUST ENTERED THE TWIGHLT ZONE!!!!!"
  18. cartman101

    Root Canals Suck

    my dad had one...... he was fine i think
  19. cartman101

    Some new Fish

    hmmm....... well you made a good choice for that bling bling to go to
  20. cartman101

    new tank

    Originally Posted by GeorgiaBoy Most tesse eels will eat all of your fish. not only that but they WILL outgrow that size tank. Volitan lion and the tusk should be fine