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  1. cartman101

    Need some fish suggestions

    howcome whenever i say hello some one replies?
  2. cartman101

    Trigger update & ecology

    Originally Posted by Triggered :happyfish: I am also concerned about the major ecological disaster that is about to invade our precious waters in and around the Gulf of Mexico. Can't they do anything to stop the contaminants from progressing any further, or are they even worried about it? I...
  3. cartman101

    Need some fish suggestions

    hello out there?
  4. cartman101

    miami info me plz

    order online! :cheer:
  5. cartman101

    my eel escape...

    what kind of eel you have? dragon?Green?
  6. cartman101

    Got a weather question about missouri

    wow! i might actully get to see snow!? So its suppose to be a very busy winter this year?
  7. cartman101

    Need some fish suggestions

    do they keep swimming? And they wont pick at eyes or fins? they look very unique. Do they ship good??
  8. cartman101

    Need some fish suggestions

    hello??? Do you think a lunare or dragon wrasse would hard a lion or pick at the rays eyes?
  9. cartman101

    how big

    i got a 125gal,pine stand,lights,glass lid. For $499.99!
  10. cartman101

    Anyone with Batfish???

    Originally Posted by Mimzy Ooooooh... wow. wowowowowowowowow. That is THE coolest fish...EVER!! :jumping: :hilarious
  11. cartman101

    My aquatic zoo!

    thats all ready there!
  12. cartman101

    My aquatic zoo!

    Well its not made yet but maybe one in the future. As my goal/career in life is to make a aquatic zoo that is mainly a place for breeding sharks and rays. Where people can come and see these fierc looking sharks even in baby form. Also have a room where it has nightmares creature such as...
  13. cartman101

    lions and there colors

    say kevin, so you still go on here anymore? :thinking:
  14. cartman101

    Need some fish suggestions

    I will be housing a ray in my 125gal for about a little more then a year, my firend has a 180gal tank that he just got about a couple days ago and i told him when your tank has been set up long enough i will give you my ray. So i need to know what kind of fish are ray compatible. I have a...
  15. cartman101

    Anyone have a lunar wrasse?

    i mean WOULDN'T pick at the rays eyes
  16. cartman101

    Anyone have a lunar wrasse?

    i would like a wrasse that would pick at rays eyes, i will be housing a ray in my 125gal for about a year, my friend just got a 180gal and will be giving the ray to him when his tank is a set up proper
  17. cartman101

    lions and there colors

    Originally Posted by Wakeskater when i got the 2 dz's one of them was really red and the other was pretty pale due to lack of filtration in the bag. rip. my two new lion fish. live aquaria makes me mad:mad: I just came across your question kevin when i searched up lions. Dwarf zebras are pretty...
  18. cartman101

    reef spider?

    COOL! Can i have him!! name him "spider-fish". Get it, spider-man, spider-fish?
  19. cartman101

    last question

    wow, aren't we nerds!
  20. cartman101

    last question

    Originally Posted by CELACANTHr to fish i think they are = same with inverts but corect me if im wrong but i think puffer is less of a threat to corals. No, a pufer will tear apart corals duh. Triggers aren't that bad with corals but still will tear them apart