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  1. chevron tang

    cup coral got stung

    Thanks I just had my iodine checked the other day and it's where it's supposed to be so I'll just hope for the best.
  2. chevron tang

    cucumbers?clean up crew:?

    I too have a pretty odd looking one in my tank. I think he's so ugly he's cute. He doesn't really work fast but I can tell where he's been when I see little sand turds piled up. He does his job he's just slow at it.
  3. chevron tang

    Other hobbies

    Well between work and this hobby I really don't have much time for another one. I guess if you call going out and partying with friends a hobby then that would be it.
  4. chevron tang

    cup coral got stung

    Ok my cup coral got stung by my frogspawn and a piece of it died. Will the rest of it be ok or will it eventually die off to? It really makes me mad. It seems ok right now just that one piece you can see the skeleton.
  5. chevron tang

    HELP, Caluerpa out of control!!!!!!!

    A tang. They love it.
  6. chevron tang

    Button/Star Polyps

    They are really easy to take care of. You should be fine. I like them. Waiting for them to start spreading.
  7. chevron tang

    blue leg hermits

    Personally I don't like them. The last bunch I had never ate any of my corals, etc. But they did mess with all the corals enough to where they never want to open.
  8. chevron tang

    damsels and clown fish

    If I were you I would take out the damsels. It's only going to get worse when they get bigger.
  9. chevron tang

    white critters?

    They may be types of pods.
  10. chevron tang

    is this enough?

    I think you should be ok.
  11. chevron tang

    Hawaii here I come!!!!

    Uh I am so jealous. Have enough fun for all of us.
  12. chevron tang

    reefers anonymous members

    Yummy. LOL :D
  13. chevron tang

    reefers anonymous members

    Yeah yardrat's right it's going to come out of the saltwater dues. Yeah I got him from Rich's tonite. They were much cheaper than B&B. He's gorgeous.
  14. chevron tang

    nedd cleaner fish

    What kind of fish do you have in your tank? And how often are you feeding?
  15. chevron tang

    reefers anonymous members

    Oh by the way guys. I got a serpent star, i got a serpent star AND its RED. Sorry had to get that out.
  16. chevron tang

    reefers anonymous members

    Ok I'm glad you said that. I forgot. Well, what other day do ya'll want to have it. We may have to wait to have the next meeting after that weekend. Most of the people that called me apologizing for not being able to come asked if I could have the meeting on a weekend.
  17. chevron tang

    How did you add your live sand?

    Is it a new tank? If so I just dumped mine in. It cleared up the next day.
  18. chevron tang

    Need some info please

    They're right I really wouldn't worry much about him.
  19. chevron tang

    What first fish or corals

    It may depend on the species of the xenia. A colt coral does sound good to start out with but certain polyps I really wouldn't. Mushroom polyps especially don't do well if there is no iodine in the tank.
  20. chevron tang

    coral propagation forum?

    I think it's a great idea.