Search results

  1. leopard_babe

    Moving lr

    You can move the rock, it won't hurt the tank. I leave the fish in when I have moved my rock. I used rock epoxy, and I really regret it. I bought this beautiful rock, and since I glued my rocks together, I had to break them apart. Unless you are not planning on re-arranging your rock after...
  2. leopard_babe

    fish for sale in michigan

    I am interested in the puffer. I live on the island, so just let me know.
  3. leopard_babe

    Michigan My loss your Gain

    sounds like you are selling the whole thing together. If not I am interested in the lights.
  4. leopard_babe

    tassle file fish

    I thought about getting one for my 46, until i read that they get big
  5. leopard_babe

    Howz everyone's monday so far!?!!

    Not that kind of dance. You sick freaks. Jk I am a ballerine, jazz, tap, tango, ballroom. You name it I can probably do it. Let us just say I am one heck of a dancer.
  6. leopard_babe

    tassle file fish

    I love those fish. Don't they get big??? Do you know what they eat.
  7. leopard_babe

    big boys

    Novice has the biggest tank that I know of. He built it in his basement. Help me guys it is like 1700, I think. Do a search, he has some great pictures
  8. leopard_babe

    help with fish problems

    Did you cycle with the damsel? It could be caused by putting it through a cycle. Using a fish to cycle is very rough onthe fishes body.
  9. leopard_babe

    Why do Fish Spit Food Out Sometimes

    My fish only spit out the food that was on sale. AKA the cheap food. haha It is like they are tasting the food, and they decide they don't like it, so they spit it out. Good question, I would like to know the real answer. Hmm...:thinking:
  10. leopard_babe

    Leopard Babe

    I am holding a bottle of jack. I didn't post my pictures yet. I have a big test that I am studying for.
  11. leopard_babe

    leopard puffer

    They are nocturnal. They are mosre active at night. Mine used to sleep during the day after feeding. Sleep as in sit on the bottom of the tank. But he didn't do that all day. When I would come over to the tank, he would get up and say hi to me. Do you have a picture of the puffer? I...
  12. leopard_babe

    Ick and Frozen Brine

    Funny you say that. My tnk got ick the other day, and I used that sallys brine shrimp. I have never used it before. Just a thought, do you rinse off your ffod before you put it in the tank. the chemical that holds the frizen cubes together can cause the nitrates in your tank to rinse, and...
  13. leopard_babe

    best TV show of all time...might be easier than the movie thread!

    Fraggle rock and ER are my favorites I also like Law and order (watching that now), NYPD Blue, the fresh prince is still pretty funny too. I am more of a movie person then a tv show person.
  14. leopard_babe

    What about this hobby pisses you off?

    When your starfish demolishes your entire clean up crew, so you buy big snails. Then they are so big they freakin' flip over every 5 minutes. So you turn your lights on in the moring and immediately have to stick your arm in the clod salt water and have to flip over all your damn snails. 1...
  15. leopard_babe

    Howz everyone's monday so far!?!!

    I LOVE mondays. I don't have to go to school, I don't have to go to work. It is the greatest. It is like an extra day in the weekend. SInce i don't have a life, lets see what did I do today :thinking: Ahh yes.. Got up at 10:30 had coffee went tanning did a little homework went to my friends...
  16. leopard_babe

    my fish and his refelection?

    My puffer did that to. When he would be in the corner of the tanks, he would swim up and down, and follow his reflection. It was very funny. When I cleaned the back wall off, he would race his reflection. My fish must be on drugs, they do all kinds of weird stuff. That must be what happens...
  17. leopard_babe

    question about fish stock????????

    Sounds like a nice tank. Your stocking list sounds good. Are you asking if you could add more fish? If so what kind? It also depends on the size of the fish that you have now. Like, I had a hippo tang the size of a quarter. So of course I added more fish.
  18. leopard_babe

    moving lr and ls

    I scrape all of the algea off of my back wall. It has never caused my tank to recyele. I have also rearranged my rock many times, and added some more sand. If you want to clean, and move stuff around in the tank, that should not cause it to recycle. I have never put the fish in bags to move...
  19. leopard_babe

    LMB question

    My LMB site in one of my plants. Which is in the direct way of the power head. It looks like he is a a jacuzzi. He can munch on the algea, and left over food that sometimes gets stuck in the plant, and gets blown around in the current. He has to fight my scooter for the spot. Sometimes my...
  20. leopard_babe

    Leopard Babe

    The worst photo??? Then I definately have to see what the best one looks like :D . Hey lets see some of your photos then. That is actually a REALLY old picture. That was after one of my proms or dance parties. So I was like 17 or 18. However I still look the same. Jut have shorter hair.