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  1. hawthorn

    fighting ick

    hyposalinity is where you lower your salinity to 1.009 over the course of 48 hours and leave it like that for about 3 weeks after all the spots have gone then you can slowly raise the salinity back up over 2 weeks
  2. hawthorn

    puffer pics

    thats a valentini puffer
  3. hawthorn

    fuzzy dwarves

    cheers guys is there any more out there
  4. hawthorn

    fuzzy dwarves

    hi could you guys post some pics of your fuzzy dwarf lion fish as im hoping to get one in a few weeks time and would like to see yours and the systems you have them in PLEASE. And if you have any tips on keeping them then that would be very much appreciated. thanks in advance hawthorn
  5. hawthorn

    Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish? REEF SAFE?

    is a valentini puffer ok with a fuzzy darf lionfish
  6. hawthorn


    wow 22 views and nowbody nows if these are compatable
  7. hawthorn


  8. hawthorn


    Would a valentini puffer be ok with a dwarf lion. As anyone had or got these 2 together and if so is there any problems that you have had.
  9. hawthorn

    anyone have a teddy bear crab that they sell on this site?

    i got one as a hitchiker on my lr and one day i found it eating my bengaii cardinal so i got rid and never want another.
  10. hawthorn

    Sohal tang

    no they are not toxic but they do have like a scalpel at the base of there tail that is very sharp.
  11. hawthorn


    try mysis shrimp my fish love it and it has alot higher nutritional value than brine.
  12. hawthorn

    what crab is this

    the crab in my tank is inside some lr does anybody know of away of getting it out. :help:
  13. hawthorn

    weipro skimmer

  14. hawthorn

    what crab is this

  15. hawthorn

    what crab is this

    sorry to use someone elses pic but i got a crab the same as this as a hitchiker on my lr can any one tell me what kind it is and is it a good or bad crab. thanks.
  16. hawthorn

    weipro skimmer

  17. hawthorn

    weipro skimmer

    does anybody know if weipro skimmers are any good coz i can get one brand new for a 10th of the price that what my lfs sells them at.
  18. hawthorn

    Diseased lfs

    i have a lfs near me that was usually pretty good but last time i went all 15 of his tanks were full of fish with ich so i left the and went back a week later all the fish were dead and he had restoccked his tanks with other fish and inverts and there now way his tanks could be clear of the...
  19. hawthorn

    Shoaling Firefish?

    ive had a firefish on its own for about 6 months now and hes totally fine not had a single problem with him even when i had an out break of ich he was the only fish that didnt seem to get it not sure why that was but i was happy about it hes very easy to keep and will eat anything i give him.
  20. hawthorn

    What in the heck is this thing? PIC Inside

    now thats taking it to far we all know that E.T is real bit everybody knows that peanuts dont get worms