Search results

  1. hawthorn

    I dont know what fish to add :-(

    i would go with a firefish maybe even 2. they look great are good community fish and perfect for a reef tank. JMO
  2. hawthorn

    Help Please

    beth it seems like you know what your talking about and i am some what of a beginer compared with the likes of yourself so i am going to take your advice. would you recommend that i do the hypo. If so will my lr survive or should i remove it from the tank. I checked my fish again and i cant see...
  3. hawthorn

    fish bite!

    every time i put my hand in the tank to do anything my yellow tail damsel repeatedly attacks me but ive just got used to it now that i dont bother about it so much but it doesnt go after ther other fish or my wifes hand so ive come to the conclusion that it just doesnt like me it even the only...
  4. hawthorn

    Help Please

    thanks guys my firefish goby does seem to have ich should i still do the garlic thing or just go ahead and do hypo and will my live rock survive it or will i have to remove it
  5. hawthorn

    Help Please

    i only had the butterfly about 2 weeks and ive checked the other fish and there is 1 tiny white spot on my firefish goby but i cant tell if it is ich but im presuming that it is so im going to call my lfs first thing tomorrow morning and see if they will take my inverts in while i do hypo but i...
  6. hawthorn

    Help Please

    hi i have a fowlr with a few inverts and my butterfly developed ich and has died will i still have to do hypo on the tank and if so will my remaining fish who all seem fine and ich free be able to stay in the tank while i do it has i dont have a QT tank as yet. also what would be the best...
  7. hawthorn

    Final Fish List

    thats exactly 93.51 gallons
  8. hawthorn

    Hitckhiker ID Please!!!!!!!!!!!

    one other thing i forgot to mention is when i tryed getting it out it actually went for me so be careful. apparently teddy bear crabs are meant to be peaceful but can go on a murderous rampage. well the the one i had did anyway.
  9. hawthorn

    Hitckhiker ID Please!!!!!!!!!!!

    i had a hairy hitchiker crab that looked like that and it turned out to be a teddy bear crab that ate my bangaii cardinal fish so my advice would be to get it out soon as you can just incase.
  10. hawthorn

    what would you recommend

    thanks guys i will be heading down to my lfs very soon to get the clean up crew ive decided on this to see how it goes tell me what you think. 1 x cleaner shrimp 2 x peppermint shrimp 5 x turbos 5 x nassarius 4 x red legged hermits
  11. hawthorn

    blue leg hermits live in 1.010?

    hypo is dropping your salinity where as hyper is rising your salinity it can help in getting rid of some diseases.
  12. hawthorn

    Do you have to have a cleaning crew?

    A bicolor goatfish will do a good job of sifting your sand and they ussually keep it quite tidy aswell and they dont look to bad either.jmo
  13. hawthorn

    what would you recommend

    hi guys i was wondering what clean up crew you would recommend for a 30 gallon FOWLR that has no predators in there.
  14. hawthorn

    need help with what to get

    hi guys hope you can help ive got a 30 gallon FOWLR corner tank and want to make it into a reef tank but im a bit unsure which corals and stuff to get first that are easy to keep and what lighting i will need to do this at the moment i just have normal florescent bulb. what would you guys...
  15. hawthorn

    Disappering fish

    I had the same problem and also couldnt find anything that shouldnt be in there for weeks then 1 morning when i went to check the tank and found my bangaii cardinal beig ripped to pieces by a teddy bear crab that had been hiding in a piece of live rock. try looking when the lights in your tank...
  16. hawthorn

    Suggestion for my next fish

    I have a cleaner wrasse and never had a single problem with it feeding it feeds really well actually and is very active and is awesome to watch in the tank. my tank wouldnt be the same without it personally i think every tank should have 1.