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  1. hawthorn

    need some opinions

    go for it you dont have to start with freshwater i didnt one thing you could do is buy the book called conciencious marine aquarist it will tel you everything you need to know
  2. hawthorn

    What in the heck is this thing? PIC Inside

    why are you guys so shocked that youve found E.T do you think hes not real or something :hilarious
  3. hawthorn

    Mini Brittle Starfish....thousands

    heres a pic of the banded one
  4. hawthorn

    HELP!!! boxfish just died

    get it out as quik as you can if its not been dead long you are probably ok it can take a while to release its toxin
  5. hawthorn


    my advice would be to take it to your lfs and get store credit. that way you could get a more suitable fish for your system with this fish needing a big tank it could and probably will in time get stressed being in a 30g and you realy dont want to get this fish stressed as its poision it...
  6. hawthorn


    no probs
  7. hawthorn

    I have a pistol shrimp

    the barbershop shrimpgoby stays pretty small you might be able to have one in there if your filtration is good enough and you keep an eye on your water.
  8. hawthorn


    a 30g is nowhere near big enough for that fish it can grow to 1' 6"
  9. hawthorn


    the cubicus boxfish is a difficult fish to keep and should only be kept by a very experianced aquarist you will need a big tank idealy a 125 gallon or bigger its a sem-aggressive fish that can become poisonous when stressed or dies. try feeding it live brine or blood worm at first thenonce...
  10. hawthorn

    bi-colour blenny

    thanks guys thats made me feel better he seems fine when nobody is near the tank he swims around checking out all the holes and caves in the rock and sits in them for a while then goes to another he just goes pale when anyone approaches the tank.
  11. hawthorn

    bi-colour blenny

    hi yesterday i got myself a bi-colour blenny and acclimated him using the drip method. i have kept an eye on him while feeding he seems to eat pretty well and is fairly active but he seems to go very pale on and around his face when anybody goes near the tank i was wondering if this is normal...
  12. hawthorn

    Question for Beth

    leave your tank empty for 30 days and that should give the ich time to run its life cycle and die off. im no expert tho so i would wait for someone who knows for sure.
  13. hawthorn

    id please

    i take it that nobody knows what type of hermit this actually is then. :thinking:
  14. hawthorn

    id please

  15. hawthorn

    id please

  16. hawthorn

    id please

    could anyone tell me what type of hermit this is please.
  17. hawthorn

    easiest dwarf angel

    Cheers boal the coral beauty is the one ive been leaning more towards but i thought it best to find out for sure before i go and buy one.
  18. hawthorn

    Way too new!

    dont forget a heater which are inexpensive
  19. hawthorn

    easiest dwarf angel

    the only 2 fish in my tank are a firefish and a mandarin would a dwarf angel be ok with these 2 the other occupants are a cleaner shrimp some astrea snails and an assortment of hermits. i really want a dwarf angel but if it wouldnt live harmoniously with whats allready in there i would have to...
  20. hawthorn

    More great research findings from the house of Tizzo!

    yeah its going to get alot worse now your baby is walking