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  1. hawthorn

    new arrival

    He seems very happy in the tank now that hes got used to it but it did take him a couple of days to start eating.At the moment hes on brine and mysis shrimp im going to start giving him some krill very soon aswell once hes more settled in.
  2. hawthorn

    new arrival

    heres some pics of my new little friend who is doing awesome i will try and get some better ones soon. at the moment he is still a bit shy.
  3. hawthorn

    Lion Pics

    heres a pic of my new fuzzy dwarf i only got him 3 days ago and hes doing great. this is the best pic i could get of him as hes still a bit shy.
  4. hawthorn

    sand cleaning fish?

    it could be a bi-color goatfish they are good at cleaning the sand and look pretty good too
  5. hawthorn

    Dwarf Angels

    WOW didnt realise there were that many. any chance of people posting pics of them all lol
  6. hawthorn

    new arrival

    i will be posting pics very soon. hes been in my tank for about 4 hours and ive just turned my lights on and hes a little shy but hes coming out to look around every now and then so hopefully the pics should be on here some time in the next couple of hours.
  7. hawthorn

    new arrival

    wahey my new little friend has just arrived my fuzzy dwarf lion is acclimating as i write this cant wait to get him in my tank.hes awesome and looks stunning.
  8. hawthorn

    cleaning crew

    hi guys my fuzzy dwarf lion fish is coming tomorrow and i was wondering what is the best cleaning crew to put in with him. its only a 30g tank and he will be the only fish in there. thanks hawthorn
  9. hawthorn

    id on hithiker crab please

  10. hawthorn

    id on hithiker crab please

    does anybody know what type of crab this is
  11. hawthorn

    help with crab eviction

    cheers guys i got it out with a small fresh water dip it didnt take long so im hoping that the lr and all its inhabitants will be ok
  12. hawthorn

    help with crab eviction

    anybody :help:
  13. hawthorn

    help with crab eviction

    hi i have a crab that came as a hitchiker on a piece of lr and it looks and it looks like it could be dangerous to the rest of the tank could anybody tell me an easy way of getting this crab to come out of the rock. :help: thanks in advance hawthorn
  14. hawthorn


    could you plz post a pic of a scat
  15. hawthorn

    how long can ich be on a fish b4 it shows up?

    hypo is the way to go otherwise it will just come back and eventually kill your fish
  16. hawthorn

    some pictures

    wow you got some seriously beautiful fish
  17. hawthorn

    How long does it take a new Cleaner Shrimp to clean?

    i had my cleaner shrimp in my tank for about 5 hours when it went and cleaned my firefish and and then my clowns but now 6 months later it doesnt seem to clean as often except when my hand is in the tank and it seems to go crazy chasing me round the tank.
  18. hawthorn

    How often do shrimp molt?

    hi my cleaner shrimp molt about every 2 weeks they have done this since i got them about 6 months ago and it doesnt matter if you leave the empty molt in there as it will just get eaten by the shrimp themselves or any crabs that are in there.
  19. hawthorn


    hi i have just finished doing hypo on my 30g tank which now has only 1 fish left in it that has now been free of ich for about a month . i am going to be transfering this fish(firefish) to another tank and getting a fuzzy dwarf lion. I was thinking of maybe leaving the tank empty for a few...
  20. hawthorn


    i like fat bottomed girls