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  1. just&ash

    Unidentified creature.

    Can you identify this creature, or did I find a new species in my tank? I found this in my liverock, it apeared yesterday, and I haven't seen it before that AT ALL. Which is weird, because I lead such a busy life, that I look at my tank for like an hour each day. :) Anyway. It's this claw...
  2. just&ash

    Our tanks.

    LFS lady said it was just a "Normal" large hermit crab. Here is a pic of my first FISH. In the 20 gallon tank. It is a Mandrin Goby.
  3. just&ash

    46bf live video

    When you post a reply on this website, there are easy ways to get your IP address... I wouldn't worry. Anyway, is that an anemone? What is it? It has very long tenticles.
  4. just&ash

    Our tanks.

    In the 29 high is a. -2x Green Chromis -1 yellow tailed Damsel -1 Striped Damsel -1 Lawnmower Blenny -3x Blue legged Crabs
  5. just&ash

    46bf live video

    Ooo.. looks nice, the video is quite smooth, I can follow a fish around quite clearly.
  6. just&ash

    Our tanks.

    We have a 29 High, and a 20 long. The 20 long is a invert tank, it has some bubble coral, featherdusters, and other small creatures growing in the live rock. (Got lucky, all that stuff was in the liverock) It has a 10,000k Daylight, and 03 blue true actinic 14watt lights, the T5 by Coralife. It...
  7. just&ash

    I have a small purple sack

    Heres a blurry picture, those two blobs are the things with the bubbles, can anyone identify these.. (sorry)
  8. just&ash

    Brine Shrimp Hatchery Q's

  9. just&ash

    Brine Shrimp Hatchery Q's

    How do you keep the adults alive to lay more eggs? What do brine shrimp eat?
  10. just&ash

    Brine Shrimp Hatchery Q's

    Does anyone hatch their own brine shrimp. I was thinking this was a neat idea, and I'm looking for info on them, but couldn't find much besides "DO IT YOURSELF HATCHERY" where they show you how to build them, but not where to get BRINE SHRIMP EGGS so you can hatch them. So I was wondering if...
  11. just&ash

    Good photo editing software ?

    I use photoshop, been using it for a few years now.
  12. just&ash

    The most expensive fish on the planet

    $175,000-250,000 per fish!!! I am in the wrong profession. Well, I guess $400,000-$1,000,000 per truck isn't bad either.
  13. just&ash

    "Bad" *****

    Okay I use to work there and I realy do agree not only are ther prices outragesous but they take poor care of the fish and dont know anything about what they are telling you I bought 2 different types of Damsels and the stirpped damsels beat up and killed my other damsel, And the guy was a "fish...
  14. just&ash

    I have a small purple sack

    We went to the local fish store today and I saw some Bubble coral growing on the skeleton of a plate coral, So that is what is in our tank they said for us to feed it bio-plankton so hopefully it will get bigger !! We also bought a lawn mower Blenny it is so cute ashley thinks that they have a...
  15. just&ash

    I have a small purple sack

    ??? Why is that funny? Anyway, I looked both up, and it doesnt seem to be valonia algae, or bubble coral. I should be getting pics today, so I'll update then.
  16. just&ash

    I have a small purple sack

    Working on a picture, have to borrow a digi camera. The coral was out of one of the display tanks at the fish store. And If I need to transfer it while this cycles, I have another tank. I'm very excited, a differant peice of liverock I picked out has FEATHER DUSTERS in it.. I love saltwater...
  17. just&ash

    First tank - Pic

    I guess you didn't read the post. Anyway, thats awesome, much better than my first tank!
  18. just&ash

    I have a small purple sack

    It also seems like they inflate, and deflate like a baloon. :jumping:
  19. just&ash

    I have a small purple sack

    Hello everyone. I bought some stuff to put in my INVERT tank from a few fish stores recently. I got a mix of rubble, liverock, shells etc to liven up my tank for my little buddies to search around and sift through. (When the tank cycles, I have nothing in it as of now, except for live rock...
  20. just&ash

    The answer to OUR Prayers

    Here in Wisconsin, we don't have any trace of snow what so ever. It's depressing.