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  1. jimbo63

    Clown Fish alone?

    I,m thinking of an oscillarius. My tank is 33g not a lot of room.
  2. jimbo63

    Clown Fish alone?

    Hello, My question is can a clown fish be buy himself or is it better to get a pair. I have one chromis will they get along?
  3. jimbo63

    distilled water

    Hello again, I do not have an Ro system. Should I or can I use distilled water when I do my water changes.
  4. jimbo63

    Dead Chromis

    Can I have more than one? Should I try toget a few more and try again?
  5. jimbo63

    Dead Chromis

    My tank is only 6 weeks old I bougt 2 chromis and 2 hermites.
  6. jimbo63

    Dead Chromis

    Hello, Tonite I came home from work and one of my green chromis was dead. Some things I noticed for a couple of days were the other chromis would not let him eat . I thought these were non aggressive fish, Another thing I noticed was the fish that died seemed like he couldn't close his mouth...
  7. jimbo63

    water temp

    Hello, I just got home from work and noticed the temp in my tank was 81 degrees. The fish seem fine, But is this too warm Iwill monitor temp & fish How hot is hot?
  8. jimbo63

    Thoughts on fake coral?

    I have fake coral in my tank then I had some algea bloom. Well the algea is gone exept on the fake coral. I'm cleaning my tank tommorow and throwing out fake coral along with the water. When tank matures I'm getting the real deal!!!
  9. jimbo63

    lights on at nite

    Hi Everyone, Sometimes when I come home from work it is late evening my lights are off. The lights are on a timer my question is can I turn them on for a little bit to look at my fish or is this a bad idea?
  10. jimbo63

    chromis hiding

    Thanks guys I can relax and enjoy them!
  11. jimbo63

    chromis hiding

    Today I bought 2 green chromis's I noticed this evening after I turned the lights off that they are now hiding is this normal? I don't want to ask a dumb question, But these are my first fish.
  12. jimbo63

    cloudy water cause?

    Yes I am running carbon filters on a Penguin power filter 200. I have a 33g tank. Water has been clear until last water change.
  13. jimbo63

    cloudy water cause?

    Hi everyone, I did a 40% water change on Saturday. The water in my tank got cloudy on Sunday today it is still a littie bit cloudy. I did have an outbreak of diatoms, But they are receading now. My tank has been cycling for 5 weeks. I did a water test this evening and here are the results...
  14. jimbo63

    bibbles in sand

    The last time I did a water change was a week ago. The only chems I am using are nutrifin cycle and water conditioner.When I do my water changes I do 10% should I do 50%?
  15. jimbo63

    bibbles in sand

    No, I take my last reply back. The bubbles are sitting on top of the diatoms.
  16. jimbo63

    bibbles in sand

    Air bubbles coming out of sand.
  17. jimbo63

    bibbles in sand

    hello again, My questian is I have noticed bubbles on top of the sand. My tank has been cycling about 4 weeks now. I did a water test last nite, And the results were PH-8.4 Amonia-0 Nitrate20 Nitrite-0.50 These test results have been steady for a week. I do have an outbreak of diatom algea on...
  18. jimbo63

    Can I put somthing in tank?

    How long should I wait? I dont want to get to impatient,But it is hard just looking at water and live rock. Tank will be simple stock Clown fish, Chromises,Hermites, Snails.I WILL BE PATIENT.
  19. jimbo63

    Can I put somthing in tank?

    My tank has been cycling for about 3 weeks now. My gravity is 1.024, salinity is 32, ph is 7.8 nitrites 1.0. Nitrates 20-40. My tank is 33g it will be a FOLR tank can I get some hermites or is it to soon?
  20. jimbo63

    whats in my sand?

    Thanks guys you all have been such a BIG HELP to me!!!