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  1. ponzspyder

    One of the best tanks I've ever seen!

    Try this link for a translated version :)
  2. ponzspyder

    help with 10gal sump/fuge plans

    You really think so? I thought that maybe this small of a tank wouldn’t need such a thickness... although, I assume you know more than I do and I like to overkill things just to be safe so I will take your advice :)
  3. ponzspyder

    help with 10gal sump/fuge plans

    No, sorry. I really wish I did though, it could make things much easier :) The only real experience I have at all with this stuff was classes in high school and the county craftman's fair years and years ago. Since then it has only been a hobby. I more recently worked in IT and currently am...
  4. ponzspyder

    help with 10gal sump/fuge plans

    The plans were made with my Photoshop skills and a few years experience with mechanical drawing/CAD :) I was bored last night and started brainstorming about DIY threads that I read here and just started playing around with Photoshop. Needless to say, by the time I was done... at least two...
  5. ponzspyder

    what heater?and how many gallons can go up stairs?

    I think the rule of thumb for heaters is 5 Watts of heat for each gallon. So, maybe use (2) 400Watt heaters... I've got a 180 on the 3rd floor running parallel to the floor joists This is just a thought Jester but I was under the impression that running the long side of the tank across multiple...
  6. ponzspyder


    Sweet, thanks for the formula jagermeister! :)
  7. ponzspyder

    26gal cleenup crew, too many?

    ^bump^ Anyone else? Any more suggestions at all?
  8. ponzspyder

    help with 10gal sump/fuge plans

    Hello, I am planning a DIY sump/fuge for the 26 bowfront tank that I will be ordering sometime soon. Basically, I want to use it as a fuge but also to hide my heaters and stuff like a sump. I want to use my existing 10gal tank and an AquaClear Mini HOB filter in order to put them to good use...
  9. ponzspyder

    26gal cleenup crew, too many?

    Yeah, I was thinking about maybe some margarita's too just to give some more variety with the snails. Another question, what kind of star could I put in this tank eventually, what is a safe one for a smaller tank? I realize I will have to wait a while after the cycle is fully established. I...
  10. ponzspyder

    26gal cleenup crew, too many?

    I am still planning this tank (26gal bowfront ) but I was gathering info for my cleanup crew the other day and it sounds good from what I have read but... when I sit back and look at this list that I made now, it just sounds like a lot of things for this size tank. Who knows, I could be way...
  11. ponzspyder


    Water weighs somewhere around 8.5lbs/gal, so a 100gal tank would weigh 850lbs with just the water ( not including the tank itself ). I am no engineer but from my understanding, as far as the rock and sand goes, it wont reduce your weight, it ADDS to it since the rock and sand have a higher...
  12. ponzspyder

    Octopus tank

    Keep in mind that I know nothing about Octopuses but your post made me curious. Thanks to google I found a pretty good website on them, Click Here. Based on what I read... lighting is not really important. What is important is the oxygen level of the tank, keep it high! Copper is deadly as are...
  13. ponzspyder


    Yeah snails are quite busy little guys I would say! I have a 10gal FW that I just let them breed like mad and they do so just enough that I use them to feed my loaches pretty regularly, hehe :)
  14. ponzspyder

    how to secure LR formations?

    Hmmm, is it difficult to drill through live rock? My LFS sells the Fiji LR so that it the type I will be buying if it matters. Would you need any special drill bit?
  15. ponzspyder

    Lava sand

    That’s news to me. I always thought lava rock, and therefore lava sand, were completely insoluble and inert.
  16. ponzspyder

    New to the hobby

    I know this is off topic but since I am planning to buy a 26bow and you have one already... can you please tell me what the width dimensions are at the smallest and largest point? I have been trying to plan out my setup but cant find this info anywhere. I think the max width is around 15" but...
  17. ponzspyder

    Sand & LS, how to seed properly?

    How do you mix the LS in with the regular sand? Would you put a layer of LS on top of the rest or is there any benefit to mixing them together thoroughly?
  18. ponzspyder

    how to secure LR formations?

    I am wondering how you would go about securing live rock pieces together when stacking them and making "bridges" and such...
  19. ponzspyder

    Newbie small tank questions...

    i had such problems with it What sort of problems? Were they SW related problems or did you just not like the unit itself. I have had the 404 in my 55 FW setup for months now and it's hard for me to think of anything wrong with it so far...
  20. ponzspyder

    Newbie small tank questions...

    Ok, I have been doing some reading up :)Fish: I now think that I may forget the chromis :( I keep reading that it likes groups and I don’t want to give him a complex or anything by sitting there all by himself. I also can't fit a bunch of them in my planned tank. I am leaning more toward the...