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  1. j-key

    trying to get 20 posts....nfm

  2. j-key

    trying to get 20 posts....nfm

  3. j-key

    trying to get 20 posts....nfm

  4. j-key

    trying to get 20 posts....nfm

  5. j-key

    trying to get 20 posts....nfm

  6. j-key

    trying to get 20 posts....nfm

  7. j-key

    trying to get 20 posts....nfm

  8. j-key

    trying to get 20 posts....nfm

  9. j-key

    trying to get 20 posts....nfm

  10. j-key

    Perc Clowns

    i have the black and white aquacultered clown.hes been in my tank for 6-7 months growing healthy and happy.also from wonder whats the longest someone has had a aq. clown in their tank?
  11. j-key

    lets break the record

    ill play your game:happy:
  12. j-key

    lurker converts!!!!!!!!

    ok cincyreefer ill have to dig into my piggy bank and get a digi cam.thx for the advice and help. i gave the other blue hippo tang away,2 for free,trade one in.not too kept attacking the foxface(maybe this will help someone else down the road) and to be honest i like alot
  13. j-key

    Emerald Crabs ... Should I get one ?

    mine does,i have 2 cleaner shrimp.i feed the emerald nori or seaweed by hand plus he eats pellets that the fish dont get.they have been in the same tank for over 10 months.
  14. j-key

    Green Bubbles on LR

    must be hit or miss,i have one and green bubbles are gone and coraline is all over the place.
  15. j-key

    lurker converts!!!!!!!!

    i forgot sammy and bang guy.thats not right sorry fellas.i know there is alot more but thanks again to everyone. i couldnt tell you if a skimmer was for a sw tank or went on a 20' ski boat before this site. take care j-key
  16. j-key

    lurker converts!!!!!!!!

    hello everyone,i have been creeping in the shadows for over a yr. now.just too lazy to join i guess,lol.i wish i had a digi cam,but not yet.i have a 75 fowlr black stand and canopy.75lbs of has been up and running for over a year now.i cycled with a dead shrimp thx to this sat as a...
  17. j-key

    My tank

    i went with robins blue i think.been awhile.ask @ the paint dept.lowes home depot etc. as far as type of paint.cant remember:notsure:
  18. j-key

    New Scooter Blenny

    you just posted you have a new tank,lol.take your time..the fish and you will be happy you up on fish first.blennys need an established tank. use a dead shrimp to cycle. slower =:joy:
  19. j-key

    My tank

    try painting it on. looks great and water wont get between it and the glass.i bought my paint @ lowes,cheap and easy.
  20. j-key

    Please help!Cleaner shrimp good?

    i would say no.those fish might enjoy it though:D