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  1. jellyfish

    Pleasehelp All Fish Are Dieing

    Sorry for your fish. I don't like to diagnose but after seeing your pic I couldn't stop thinking about the guy. Read the stickies by Beth at the top. You'll have to run your display with no fish for 6 - 8 weeks. Thanks Beth, I appreciate that. I don't want to give any bad info.
  2. jellyfish

    Pleasehelp All Fish Are Dieing

    Are you using a refractometer to measure salinity? Continue hypo in the ht. Try treating for secondary infection due to the ich. You can use some wide-spectrum antibiotic like Maracyn 2 and an anti-fungal (something like fluconazole or miconazole at your lfs.). Follow the directions...
  3. jellyfish

    puffer euthanasia

    What are your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph levels? Any ammonia or nitrite can kill. Sick fish need perfect water. Maracyn 2 contains minocycline, a wide-spectrum antibiotic effective against gram-negative bacteria. If it hasn't worked, I would check the water levels. If they are off, a 50%...
  4. jellyfish

    Dear NJ senators! Mods, sorry for posting a link. There's nothing for sale here.
  5. jellyfish

    very interesting 9-11 content

    Those are good questions. Unlimited black bugets can do anything. Here's a good video: www dot inplanesite dot com check these sites out and let me know what you think www dot infowars dot com www dot thepowerhour dot com Also, check out the Northwoods documents. You can request copies from...
  6. jellyfish

    Getting out

    It depends on the prices. Also, do you have any pictures? And how long have you had the lights? What type of LR?
  7. jellyfish

    Getting out

    Any prices besides what you listed? I live down the street.
  8. jellyfish

    Via aqua Multi-Skimmer

    I agree, the instructions are worthless, and mine were wrong. My skimmer works really good once you get it going. The water level of the tank needs to be full. I have it on a 55 gallon tank with 50 lbs live rock. My tank is clean, but it's running fallow right now. If you can take it back now...
  9. jellyfish

    Tiger Pistol ok?

    Thankyou for your replies. I was pretty worried, but I'll just wait. Funny having something with no signs of life.
  10. jellyfish

    Tiger Pistol ok?

    Thanks for the reply. No, I don't hear any pops. I thought he was supposed to be more active since the profile says, "bold" for temperment. I'm just worried since there's no sign he's in there and his goby is not with him. Thanks again, I was pretty worried. I'll leave him alone for now. I...
  11. jellyfish

    Tiger Pistol ok?

    I added a new tiger pistol to my main tank 7 days ago because I am running it with no fish for 6 weeks due to a recent ich outbreak. I haven't seen him since the second day he was added. When I added him he barely moved and wasn't seen eating. Should I dig all my LR out to look for him and...
  12. jellyfish

    My Poor Puffer

    If you want to see him go crazy add some minced garlic or garlic extreme by Kent. Just soak the Krill in it for 15 minutes. I wouldn't feed him krill at every meal. Get some fresh seafood mix from the grocery store. Octopus, shrimp, clam, squid, chop it up with garlic then freeze it. Yum...
  13. jellyfish

    Will cleaner shrimp carry ick to a new tank?

    Quarantine the shrimp for 30 days first. I just lost my favorite puffer to the worst case of ich after introducing a cleaner shrimp without quarantining the shrimp first. For two days everything was fine, then within 3 hours he was covered and in respiratory distress. It was extremely sad...
  14. jellyfish

    New Photo of my 75

    How old is your tank? It's gorgeous. What do you have in there? Looks sweet.
  15. jellyfish

    DIY halide setup

    Looks nice. I won't be discouraged that you're an EE. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the pics.
  16. jellyfish

    DIY halide setup

    Can you show a pic please. I would like to do something like this. Also, where do you get the mogul, and what exactly is it. Thanks