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  1. melisa3816


    Can someone please tell me what I could get that would eat green alage ?I had the brown alage and bought some snails and they took care of that but now I have this green alage growing on the sand and on my base rocks and the snails don't seem to be cleaning that off any suggestions :notsure...
  2. melisa3816

    Interested in some Shrooms?

    Yes that is what I'm talking about (Ifeel so stupid lol)I just went to looked at a picture that is what I'm wanting.
  3. melisa3816

    Interested in some Shrooms?

    Maybe I have my corals all mixed up lol I seen a picture of your and they are very pretty I think the ones I'm talking about that I like are called bubble tips?Do you have any of them I'm sooo sorry like I said I'm still new at this.
  4. melisa3816

    Interested in a 55gal tank?

    Is there anyone selling a 50gal tank or bigger that's close to Shepherdsville Kentucky?If yes please get back to me Melisa
  5. melisa3816

    Hello everyone

    Originally Posted by snailheave then you met me Funny snailheave lol
  6. melisa3816

    Hello everyone

    Hello to you too nice to meet you neoreef
  7. melisa3816

    Hello everyone

    Originally Posted by ReefNut Welcome Melisa!! What kind of lighting do you have on your tank?? Your going to think I'm stupid lol but I don't know what the lighting is I have right now it was on the Tank when I got it from my mother-n-law and she used the tank for freshwater fish so whatever...
  8. melisa3816

    Hello everyone

    Thanks everyone for greeting me sorry didn't know about that thread I will go there too lol
  9. melisa3816

    Interested in some Shrooms?

    Hello everyone my name is Melisa,I was interested in some Shrooms if anyone has any that they would be willing to sell me :thinking: I will even pay shipping charges would you let me know I have been looking at Corals for awhile now and I'm very interested in buying some I like the glowing...
  10. melisa3816

    Would like some mushroom polyps?

    Does anyone have Mushroom Polyps that they would like to sell :notsure: ,I'm new at this and was really wanting some corals :joy: I love the glowing shrooms.I would like to know a little bit more about the corals too like ones that won't bother your fish and the ones that fish won't bother,like...
  11. melisa3816

    Hello everyone

    Hello everyone my name is Melisa and I'm new on here just wanted to tell everyone that I think this is a awesome message board everyone seems so nice .I have my 20g tank up and running.I've had it for about 2 months now so needless to say still new at this ,I'm loving it though Me and my Hubby...
  12. melisa3816

    Wanting to Start Nano Tank for first time

    Originally Posted by sandlot13 Hey fellow fish lovers! Ok, so heres the deal...... Im a broke college student who is absolutly in love with aquariums/biology (hence my biology major). Me and my brother recently built our first saltwater aquarium for him (37 gal...... amazing looking). I have...
  13. melisa3816


    Hello my name is Melisa and I have 2 snails and they do the same thing they leave like a white film not real thick but you can see it and they have already ate all the brown alage in my tank they are good I'm trying to figure out how they mate lol.Mine have been on each other for 2 days now not...
  14. melisa3816

    Snails keep dying?

    Originally Posted by Dawnmv I have a 45 gallon tank that has been well established for two years now and recently I cannot keep snails alive. My fish and crabs have been fine. I have even tried to purchase them from different sourses and they only last about 24-36 hours on the glass and then...
  15. melisa3816

    Getting to know you... getting to know all about you!

    Originally Posted by jdragunas Hello David, Eric, and Melissa, welcome to the thread! Melissa, i'm not sure about the snails, but i do know this: tangs need at least a 75 gallon tank or higher (preferrably higher), as they grow quickly, and need a LOT of swimming room. Sorry, i know this isn't...
  16. melisa3816

    Getting to know you... getting to know all about you!

    Hello my name is Melissa I'm from Shepherdsville Kentucky.I am a mother of three boys and a wife for 11 years,I just got into this saltwater fish stuff been into it for 3 months now and just absolutly love it.The fish I have are the clown fish,Yellow Tang 2 snails and a Damsel.the Clown fish and...
  17. melisa3816

    Every describe your CRAZY CLOWNFISH QUIRKS...

    Hello everyoone my name is Melisa and I am new at this but loving it I have had my SWT for about 3 months now and just love it my clown fish does this weird thing I don't know if there is something wrong with him or if it's just a little game he plays but everytime I get done feeding him he will...