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  1. gohome


    since my fish will eat macroalgae. and i dont have a refigium but i want them to eat my nitrates. can i put macroalgae in a little basket in the back of the tank where they can get light without fish bothering them?>?
  2. gohome


    by small pellets do u mean the frozen kind?>
  3. gohome

    SeaClear Junior Executive Hexagon Kits

    i have a hexigon myself and DONT LIKE IT!!! the light does not penetrate all the way down as strong, the fish have less swimming space, you have to reach in your hands all the way down if u want to fix somthing. but do whatever u want its ur choice
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  6. gohome


    all i have for my sw fish tank is flake food brine shrimp and formula b. my fish love brine shrimp ut i no its bad for them. everything else thay kinda eat but dont like it. i have a tomatoe clown a striped damsel and a yellow tang. i also feed my yellow tang green algae. whta other kinds of...
  7. gohome

    kole tang not eating!!!

    can i get the recipe too???
  8. gohome

    FAST !! anemonie diing!!!

    so do i buy frozen silversides?? do my fidsh eat it to?
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    FAST !! anemonie diing!!!

  10. gohome

    FAST !! anemonie diing!!!

    1 week what are silversides. i tried to feed him brine shrimp. i placed it in his tentacles but it just foated away.
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    FAST !! anemonie diing!!!

    wat shud i do?
  12. gohome

    FAST !! anemonie diing!!!

    i never fed it yet. he is under 80 watts of PC lights in a 44 gal tank. i am gatting VHO lights in a week. wat parameters are all good xept for nitrates there 20
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    FAST !! anemonie diing!!!

    its like a thick white stringy thing floating from his mouth should i pul it off?? kill the anemonie?? what?
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    FAST !! anemonie diing!!!

    please help!
  15. gohome

    FAST !! anemonie diing!!!

    i just looked (hes a seabe anemonie) hes thrwing up this white stuff, nad he is a lil on the yollow side ive had him for 1 week!!! should i take the white stuff out?? what to do!
  16. gohome


    is the digital one the little one that sticks on the outside?
  17. gohome

    RO/DI unit

    its the 30 dolar one from aquarium pharmatuals (or however u spell it) will it do good?
  18. gohome


    i got one today and it said for freshwater fish tanks. its it stained steel, and it goes in a tank can i put it in my sw tank?>
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    RO/DI unit

    what do u mean its garbage does it still make RO water?
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    RO/DI unit
