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  1. gohome

    RO/DI unit

  2. gohome

    RO/DI unit

    i found this one is this good?
  3. gohome

    RO/DI unit

    i want one for really cheap i dont want to spend no more thant 30 dollars or around that range. enyone know ehick one i can get?? do i have to order it or can i get it from my lfs??
  4. gohome

    lettice nutribranch!!

    i am fighting red agae and i gave 3 snails and 3 hermits. i have a 45 gallon tank.
  5. gohome

    lettice nutribranch!!

    my lfs sells these for 2 dollars eacha re they good???? how many can i get?? do they produce nitrates?
  6. gohome

    seabe anemonie!!! fast!!

    no i cant. i have a timer for my lights and i have an electoric feeder.
  7. gohome

    seabe anemonie!!! fast!!

  8. gohome

    seabe anemonie!!! fast!!

    ok today i woke up and he was aupside down on the same spot eh was yesterday. i came back from skool and still the same. he is like half way closed. i took him out of the water to see if he would close because he might of like died. but he staid the same!! is he daead?? im going for a 3 day trip...
  9. gohome

    Star Polyp

    ya i had one in 1.7 wats of light and it did fine in the middle of my tank.
  10. gohome

    seabe anemonie!!! fast!!

    mine looks like num one but has shorter tentacles and re on the yellow side. but he has only been in the tank for 3 hours.
  11. gohome

    is he gonna die!!

    ok no one is bothering him. he was acclimated for 2 hours. he was not QT'd (my cousin does not have a qt) wat par are.. trites 0 amonia 0 nitrates 15 (doing a 10% water change tomorow) ph 8.2. gravity 1.023
  12. gohome

    is he gonna die!!

    its been almost 1 week and my cousins clown tang still dident eat. in his 75 gallon tank!! there are always seaweed sheats in there but he doesent even go near them. his yellow tang loves the sheets!! the only think the clown tang eats is he picks on the LR but theres nuthing on it!! he ate...
  13. gohome

    seabe anemonie!!! fast!!

    can u pleasE?
  14. gohome

    very fine sand??

    ya it has ,accualy its like the size of sugar
  15. gohome

    seabe anemonie!!! fast!!

    i also have a GS maroon clown will he host it?? and can i buy another GS maroon clown or will they fight tho only one i found in the store was the same size as mine.
  16. gohome

    seabe anemonie!!! fast!!

    he is a white seabe anemonie and he has a yellow with purple tips and the body is like white-tan
  17. gohome

    seabe anemonie!!! fast!!

    thank you so much i was so worried. he looks really healthy though.
  18. gohome

    seabe anemonie!!! fast!!

    now hes closing and opening over and over.
  19. gohome

    seabe anemonie!!! fast!!

  20. gohome

    seabe anemonie!!! fast!!

    c mon im about to close my lights i got to know what to do befor i close my lights. me anemonie is just sitting in it buttom of the sand not it hasent really moved. it opened though