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  1. tgolbus

    Selling Everything

    Add a feather duster, and I am in Milwaukee Wi.
  2. tgolbus

    Selling Everything

    My 4 year old is tired of her fish tank..... We have a 26 G Bow front that sits on a matching pine stand. The main tank: Hang on over flow Hang on skimmer 2 light hoods (one regular, and one that is a double) Large good heater What is in the main tank about 75 lbs of Live rock (lots or coraline...
  3. tgolbus

    Lemon Peal with cloudy Eye

    I got a lemon peal about 2 1/2 weeks ago (still in the QT tank) that had developed a cloudy eye. Only one appears this way. Couple questions....what is it and how can it be treated (can it be treated). Is it contagious? I have one other fish in the QT with him. He didn't appear to have this...
  4. tgolbus

    Clown looks bad after anemine

    I have a 26g bow that has been up a year now. The first fish I got was a clown that has done great. The water levels are all good (I test almost everything) and everything else is going great. I added an anemine to keep my clown happy (about 4 weeks ago). They have become best friends! Now...
  5. tgolbus

    Have a problem

    Do you over feed the tank?
  6. tgolbus

    What is more crucial right now?

    Agree....get live sand in there....lights are needed until you have reef stuff.
  7. tgolbus

    Not Your Normal Alge Question

    I am having a big algie outbreak (looks like Diatom bloom, and red slime). Here is what happened.... We were going out of town so I did a water change and then fed the tank very well (over fed). The tank is a 26g Bow, with a hang on prizm skimer and a hang on filter. When we got back the...
  8. tgolbus


    I think my sally light foot just moted....There is what appears to be a dead sally hanging upside down from one of my live rocks...I only have one and she is running around else where... I have only had her about 2 this a good sign that she has molted? Do I just remove the skeleton?
  9. tgolbus

    Feather Duster

    Mine also built another housing on a rock... Yours may come back! It actially seems like it is about to split into 2? Has anyone ever hear of it doing that?
  10. tgolbus

    FS: Oceanic 125g setup

    If someone will pay for shipping will you pay? I would be interested.
  11. tgolbus

    Ick in new tank?

    Ich is a paracite, and is always present. IMO It tends to be more present in tanks then in the ocean. When fish are stressed (which obviously yours are) they are more prone to it. Just take your time and make sure your levels and water quality are good before you add the fish you want. IMO In...
  12. tgolbus

    Hermet Crabs

    Couple of questions.... What is molting? If I get a hermit (I like the one that is has red legs and a yellow face) do I need to have extra shells in the tank?
  13. tgolbus

    Water gallons?

    You may want to look at root cause of your problems as a water change may not be the solution... Using RO water? Lights on too long? That may cause the alge. Overfeeding? That may cause problems with the Trites.
  14. tgolbus

    200 gallon acrylic tank 8ft x 2ft x 2ft for sale in san diego

    Is Stern isn't interested I am interested in Milwaukee!
  15. tgolbus

    Will changing substrate cause a cycle? Help

    I changed my CC to sand just like you did....I had no problems. What type of sand did you use? Could there have been some problems there?
  16. tgolbus

    Feather Duster

    I just got a feather duster who looks like he (do they have gender) is doing well. I can't get him to attach to a rock though. When I but him on one he says for a short time but then falls onto the CC on his side. At the LFS he was attached very well (took some effort to get him off). What can...
  17. tgolbus

    Changing CC for Sand Bed

    I have decided to make the plunge and change the CC (that my LFS said would be great) for a DSB. I have a 26G and have ordered 40 LBS of Nature's Ocean Bio Activ Aragonite - Live sand. Does anyone have experience with this product? Any tips or ideas for changing CC to DSB? I am thinking that I...
  18. tgolbus

    Missing Snalis

    Margarita snails.
  19. tgolbus

    HELP - Things are dieing and dissapearing!

    Well I am down to 1 crab now. Could 1 crab and one star (who nomally doens't look agressive) eat 3 snails in one week?
  20. tgolbus

    HELP - Things are dieing and dissapearing!

    Someting is going wrong..... Temp 78 Salinity 1.022 Amonia 0 Nitrates 30 Nitrites 0 Here is the story....All leves used to be good. Then my skimmer died. It took me 1 week to get it replaced (ordered on line). Prizim hang on. I noticed a snail shell empty...I pulled the shell out and there was...