Search results

  1. coachd

    Black Percula and maroon together

    I just read on a website that black percula clownfish could be added with other clownfish. I currently have a maroon clownfish that has been in the tank for 6 months. Would this work or would the maroon do harm to the black perculas ( I would get two of them)? Thanks
  2. coachd

    Adjustment time for new lights ?

    I am upgrading my lights from compact lights to metal halides. I am wondering what kind of schedule do I need to do to help my fish and corals adjust to the brighter lights? Thanks for the advice. Chet
  3. coachd

    I want a realy cool, new fish for my reef, what to get?

    Yeah, I agree with a blue throat trigger or naso tang
  4. coachd

    christmas gift ideas

    I have about 200 lbs of live rock so I think that I am good there good idea though. I currently have 5 green chromis, maroon clown, kole tang, and sailfin tang.
  5. coachd

    christmas gift ideas

    I am looking for some gift ideas to give to my family for this christmas, just thought that I would ask what some of you might ask for? :thinking: The price ranges are $50.00 and $200.00. I have a 165, beginning of a reef, tank with a 55 gal sump.The tank is about 3 months old. I already have...
  6. coachd

    Order Timeline

    I am wanting to place a livestock order tommorrow (Sunday). Does anyone know if I would recieve it by Wednesday? Will accept orders this week due to Thanksgiving holiday? Thanks to anyone that can help me out.
  7. coachd

    Unusual friendship

    I have a maroon clownfish and a small sailfin that hang out together and sleep next to each other.
  8. coachd

    Frogspawn Bubble

    Is it a green algae bubble?
  9. coachd

    MUHAHAHA Getting a 300 gallon Reef tank this week!!!

    Josh, Where in Arkansas are you. How much do you want for the live rock? Do you know if it is completely cured or not?
  10. coachd

    I think I'm gonna order what do you think?

    Does dry goods count toward your minimum order? I have never ordered from this site but after my closest LFS(which is an hour and half away) tried to sell me a blue throat trigger for $75, marked down from $100, I am thinking about it.
  11. coachd

    Overflow box question ?

    Has anyone ever used bioballs for this purpose? If so would I need to replace them every so often to keep them from collecting too many nitrates?
  12. coachd

    Overflow box question ?

    I have a built in overflow box that covers up the holes that come out of the back of my tank. The water that comes into the overflow box through the teeth is pretty loud. Is their anything that I can put in the bottom of the overflow box that will help silent the noise of the water without...
  13. coachd

    lighting Question

  14. coachd

    School Tank CANCELLED

    What reason did they give?
  15. coachd

    lighting Question

    I am trying to fiqure out how much more lighting I need. I have a 84L*18W*24H tank (165gal). I have 452 watts of PC bulbs that came with the system (barely used). Half of the bulbs are actinic and the other half is 10K white. I am not wanting to keep clams, anenomes(sp) or sps coral, but I do...
  16. coachd

    How long can you QT??

    After reading some from this forum about the kole tang, I have decide to wait on getting one until I have good algea growth on my live rock. I still plan on getting the sailfin so any comments on the subject would be appreciated. Also I plan on getting one or two neon gobies to (hopefully)...
  17. coachd

    What is your fav tv show

    Criminal Minds As for as old school cartoons how about ..... the 80's Justice league Superfriends Battle of the planets
  18. coachd

    How long can you QT??

    My tank has just finished cycling and I am ready to start populating my tank. I was at my LFS today and he had a 2inch sailfin tang and a 2 1/2 inch Kole tang. Now before you start to flame me let me finish. I have a 29 gal tank that I filled with 50 lbs of liverock from my 55 gal tank (which...
  19. coachd

    MNF, Go Jags!!!

    I know this is a bias question(considering I am from Arkansas), but does it seem that Leftwich does not look at Matt Jones very often? It seems like he would get more balls thrown his way.