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  1. coachd

    Water level

    I have a glass tank and the water level is an inch below the plastic trim. I was mainly wondering if this is how it was suppose to be if you had an overflow in their tank.This is my first tank with on in it. The water level seemed a little low to me. But maybe it is suppose to be that way. I...
  2. coachd

    Lighting question ??

    Any suggestions on how many watts I would need for my tank. It is a 165.
  3. coachd

    Water level

    The overflow box is built into the back of the tank with holes coming out the back off the tank, so I can not move it.
  4. coachd

    Lighting question ??

    My tank is 24' deep, 18' wide, and 84" long . My lights will be about 10 inches from the top of my tank in a canopy.
  5. coachd

    Water level

    I am wondering how high is people's tank level in their tank if you have use an overflow box in your display tank? Is your water level about level with the teeth of your overflow box, or can you get it to go higher than that? If so, how do you accomplish this? The reason I am wondering is I...
  6. coachd

    Lighting question ??

    If I am only wanting to keep soft corals and lps, can I use vho or T5's, instead of MH's? If so how much wattage per gallon would be recommended? I know that most people use MH, but if I can get away with something that might run cooler,and a little cheaper, I think it would be better in my...
  7. coachd

    Tangs for a 125G

    Melly, Did your 3 YT get along? Did you put them in at the same time? What else did you have in your tank and for how long? Sorry, not trying to steal the thread. I was thinking of doing three yellow tangs instead of a group of green chromis as kind of a schooling group.
  8. coachd

    Tangs for a 125G

    I have been trying to decide in what to put in my 165 gal tank (7 feet long). I have had people on this forum and other forums tell me that I can only keep 2 tangs max and that I would not be able to keep a naso or unicorn because of their max size. I am still trying to decide on what to do, so...
  9. coachd


    Does the clicking happen at about the same time after your lights go out? Does it only happen once? My tank does that and I have always thought that it was coming from the lights. Something to consider. I have compact lighting on my tank.
  10. coachd

    Wrasses with wrasses

    I am setting up a 165 gal tank. I have been trying to decide between green chromis and anthians for a schooling fish, but know I am thinking about just getting three or four small wrasses. I have heard that they are pretty active swimmers and IMO are a lot more attractive then the green chromis...
  11. coachd

    Metal Halide and Heat...

    I would be a little concerned with putting a enclosed unit under a hood. Have you considered retro fit setup?
  12. coachd

    Wrasses with wrasses

    I am wanting to put fairy wrasses and possible flasher wrasses. Thanks for the input.
  13. coachd

    Wrasses with wrasses

    Is it possible to keep different wrasses in one tank? Can you keep different fairy wrasses together? I am considering putting 3 or 4 wrasses in my tank(165). Either just fairy wrasses or a mixture of some fairy wrasses and some of the smaller wrasses. For some that have seen some of my other...
  14. coachd

    Green Chromis vs Anthias

    Thanks for your help
  15. coachd

    Green Chromis vs Anthias

    The lyretail's or possible squareback
  16. coachd

    Green Chromis vs Anthias

    One more question. Would 3 anthias look much like a school ?
  17. coachd

    Green Chromis vs Anthias

    I do apperciate your information and advice. I am not upset about you giving me advice. This is why I am wanting to know so that I can make a good decision. It just never seem to work out where you can keep all of the fish that you like together.
  18. coachd

    Green Chromis vs Anthias

    Is it just me or does it seem that the more you learn about this hobby it seems like nothing is compatible. I never would have thought that schooling fish would fight with each other. I thought that was why you put them together because they do well in groups.
  19. coachd

    Green Chromis vs Anthias

    So, Dogstar, it is important to get 1 male and the rest females, to eliminate fighting for dominance. I have read this in some sites, but I also have read that the largest female turned male and I fiqured that this would happen without much fighting (biggest one wins ). Anyway, thanks for the...
  20. coachd

    Something to look at, comment if u want

    This may be a dumb question, but what is the red item on the glass in the fourth pitcure?