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  1. nyyanks154

    New Purple Tang

    Thank you NYY for your help... I was being eaten alive. I too know someone that has kept tangs in smaller tanks (a 29 gallon), and I think its possible to keep some types of tangs in smaller tanks while they are small. Obviously when the thing gets larger something will have to be done; nobody...
  2. nyyanks154

    New Purple Tang

    Go after *****, Pick your battles people.
  3. nyyanks154

    New Purple Tang

    Jwtrojan- No need for the lecture dude. The tang is very small (original cost $40), and yes i know that they get large, ive been in this hobby a while. It was free because of a xenia trade, so its no skin off my back. I know im taking a chance, and it seems quite happy, so im keeping him.
  4. nyyanks154

    New Purple Tang

    Ive had 2 tangs in the past, the first was a yellow tang that became the victim of my roommate's care when i was in Italy...he didnt keep on the water level and probably fed him too much. As a result the tang died and my percula was sick. The second was a Kole tang that might have been sick...
  5. nyyanks154

    Calcuim Emergency

    Ok so i know people are going to yell at me for this, i know what i did isnt ideal, im looking for solutions not harassment <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> Here's what i did. I mixed kalkwasser like i usually do in a conatiner, let the dust settle for 8 hrs, and...
  6. nyyanks154

    how many fish for a 37 gallon?

    How many fish would you put in a 37 gallon reef?
  7. nyyanks154

    New Purple Tang

    I got a new purple tang the other day, any tips on how to keep him happy? I havent had any luck with tangs in the past, but for 40 bucks, i figured Id give them another try. Anyone have any advice???
  8. nyyanks154

    Flame Angel or Coral Beauty???????????

    This is all very interesting. I had a coral beauty for a long time and it never bothered any of my coral. I am looking into a flame, so i hope to hear some more info on what flames are like in a reef tank...
  9. nyyanks154

    Green water!!!!!

    Sounds like a nitrate/Phospate problem to me. Are you using tap water?
  10. nyyanks154

    Brittle Stars In a Reef Tank??

    Anyone have any comments on Brittle stars in a reef tank, which ones to buy and what they might bother???
  11. nyyanks154

    What are the three best fish I can get for my 30gallon?

    Off the main topic, but on the topic of xenia: Use combi-san or some other iodine rich suppliment...Iodine makes Xenia go nuts.
  12. nyyanks154

    Mantis Shrimp

    To anyone with a Mantis shrimp: Here is what you do. First step: Find his rock and remove it from the tank. Mantis shrimp and reef tanks dont mix. Even if people say "I've had no problem with them" do you really want to take the chance? I dont. There are so many kinds of Mantis shrimp, and some...
  13. nyyanks154

    Hair Algae help!!!

    I agree, algae blenny, a tang or more snils will help a great deal.
  14. nyyanks154


    One of the best ways to tell if you have a mantis shrimp (because youll hardly ever see him) is to listen for a clicking noise in the tank. You can also try looking for them at night, they are more active then. Another trick that might work is to put frozen or live brine in your tank, it may...
  15. nyyanks154

    Looking For a Quieter Skimmer...

    Nasotang00- Its a 37 gal with 37 lbs LR so i dont need anything huge....
  16. nyyanks154

    Looking For a Quieter Skimmer...

    I agree with you Johnnysalt, I'm no idiot Carguy I know they all make noise, thats why I asked about QUIETER skimmers not SILENT skimmers. At any rate, what kind do you have Johnnysalt?
  17. nyyanks154

    Looking For a Quieter Skimmer...

    I have a Sea Clone great with minimal maintenance but its LOUD! Anyone have any ideas on a quiet, yet efficient skimmer?? What do you Prism users out there have to say?
  18. nyyanks154

    Green slim

    Yup too much light, too much nutrients. Reduce light duration and make sure your skimmer is on when the algae starts to die! :)
  19. nyyanks154

    My Xenia have black spots... Help!

    I have had some Pulsing Xenia in my tank for about a month and a half and I just noticed some black spots, they look king of like small black fleas, on the fingers of most of the polyps. Some of the polyps are starting to look sick as a result. Anyone have any idea what this is, and if there is...
  20. nyyanks154

    HELP!!! FIN ROT!!! QUICK!!!

    I have had a Coral beauty angel for over a year and noticed today the beginning of finrot, ie frayed tailfin. I cant tell and cardinal sign of "redness" on the fin because of the deep purple color. He is still active, eats and swims fine. His Breating is normal too. My water isnt too bad 0...