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  1. bicolor225

    Starburst Polyps

    Biggidie Bump
  2. bicolor225

    Starburst Polyps

  3. bicolor225

    anemone ..... is this normal or do i have a wierd one

    What type of anemone, because if you have a Bubble-tip anemone they tend to move around go in caves to check out your tank for their favorite spot. Bicolor P.S You should post in the Clownfish&Anemone section.
  4. bicolor225

    Starburst Polyps

    Do you possibly know when they are going to open. Because my buddies are coming over tomorrow to check out my new coral.Thanks. Bicolor
  5. bicolor225

    Starburst Polyps

    Thank You. And what should i do if it doesn't? Bicolor
  6. bicolor225

    Starburst Polyps

    How long does it usually take starburst polyps to open, when newly introduced into the tank. Because it has been 4 1/2 hours since I put them and they are still not opening, not even any signs of opening. When i saw them in the tank at the lfs they were fully open and healthy. No signs of...
  7. bicolor225

    any kids 16 and under??

    AWSOME!!!! I Had cichlids too, thats the best thing to before going into salt. I had african cichlids.they where awsome but i litttle too agressive. i had for over 5 years. They are so much easier to breed the salt. They like spawn ever like month. and they are mouth brooders so u dont have...
  8. bicolor225

    The best clown

    what would be the best clownfish to get if you have long tentacle anemone in the tank? -BiColor
  9. bicolor225

    Best Anemone

    What would be the best Anemone for A tamato clown? -Bicolor
  10. bicolor225

    Bleached?or not bleached this is the ques.

    here is a btter pix. if he is bleahced what should i do. i feed him he is:happy:
  11. bicolor225

    Bleached?or not bleached this is the ques.

    No, but aren't LTA's supposed to light to dark brown in color? Thanks. -Bicolor
  12. bicolor225

    Bleached?or not bleached this is the ques.

    Does he look bleached to u guys and if so what should i do to help him. my lighting is one 65 watt sunpaq dual actinic[420nm+460nm]+one 65 watt sunpaq dual daylight[6,770k+10,000k] =260 watts.Thank You
  13. bicolor225

    what should i feed my anemone?

    How do i feed it do put in its mouth or near it? .what im i supposed to do if the clown doesnt want to go in it?thanks.its all right jacob -BiColor
  14. bicolor225

    what should i feed my anemone?

    what should i feed my anemone? he is an LTA. currenlty feeding him invert food,cant tell if he is eating it or not. how do u tell if is eating?Will a tamato clown host an LTA.Thank you. -BiColor
  15. bicolor225

    How To Acclimate Anemones?

    Can Give me some ways how to acclimate an anemone.Thank You -BiCOLOR
  16. bicolor225

    when will he color up?

    Cool Thanks for the info. -Bicolor
  17. bicolor225

    when will he color up?

    How would i use a raw cocktail shrimp to cycle???Never heard of it before sounds cool.Thanks -BiColor
  18. bicolor225

    when will he color up?

    nope im not cycling anymore. im done with cycling it has been six week of cycling. tested everything. ammonia=o ppm nitrite=0 ppm nitrate=15ppm pH=8.3 Salinity=1.023 After the nitrite when down to zero he is a little darker Thanks for the info.:happy: -BiColor225
  19. bicolor225

    when will he color up?

    do i really have to rinse it in ro water is that really required. i rinse it my tank water isnt that good enough? Bicolor