Search results

  1. ogitrev

    Brown stuff still in there

    Check your phosphates. Especially if you use tap water. If your phosphates are high, that could be why the brown algae is still there. Phosphates act like "fertilizer" for this stuff. If your phosphates are high, I would suggest using a phosphate remover in your filter. I put Phos-Zorb in...
  2. ogitrev

    false percula clown bumping into walls!!! HELP!!!

    My true perc was doing that until I got him a buddy (another true perc). I think he saw himself in the reflection of the glass and thought it was another clown to go and play with. :) - Og
  3. ogitrev


    Check out this page on clownfish....look under Percula Clown on the page because I'm pretty sure that False Percs will take to the same anemone's that true percs will. Infact, I believe false percs are less picky. Another thing that you might want...
  4. ogitrev

    What are my Clowns doing?

    Ad far as Clowns go....the female is the leader of the pack (the most dominant). So I guess I could believe that the female killed the male if she didn't like him... Betas: That really surprises me that the male almost died. Male betas are extremely aggressive and usually cannot be kept with...
  5. ogitrev

    Are these copepods? Sooooo weird!

    Could be small feather dusters too. When I got my LR, I had a ton of them! They're starting to get bigger now too. They're just one of the surprise creatures you get when your get LR. Keep watching and you'll probably find many more critters. :) - Og
  6. ogitrev

    Lights fell in the tank and electricuted everything.

    Oh yeah....The 4 bulbs are 110 W each for total of 440 watts of VHO. ;) - Og
  7. ogitrev

    Lights fell in the tank and electricuted everything.

    Personally, I think MH bulbs are too expensive for me so I use VHO. I run an IceCap 660 ballast with 4 48" VHO bulbs. Two are URI actinic bulbs and the other two are URI Super Actinic. This lighting has proven to be very effective for me and I see a lot of neat growth. Also, the URI bulbs...
  8. ogitrev

    RO Unit

    Thanks! That explains it for me... - Og
  9. ogitrev

    What are my Clowns doing?

    Thanks for all the info... Mine are still doing it and is very interesting to watch. They seem very healthy and happy. Thanks again! - Og
  10. ogitrev

    RO Unit

    So if I go with the Culligan Mans RO Unit, that will be good for drinking.... but would that also be good my tank? Read the brochures on both, they both seem to remove the same amount of the same stuff.... or is there a difference between the two that I'm not aware of?? Thanks! - Og
  11. ogitrev

    RO Unit

    I am planning on buying the "AuquFX 3 Stage Dolphin Aquarium Reverse Osmosis System" to be used as my RO unit. Would the output of this system be good for drinking water as well? Thanks! - Og
  12. ogitrev

    What are my Clowns doing?

    I have two True Percs in my 55 gal. FOWLR (Slowly becomming a reef). I just got these two the other day. Both came from the same LFS but from two different tanks. One is also a little smaller than the other. They seem to get along pretty well and most of the time are hanging out together...
  13. ogitrev

    mail-order rock

    LFS always charge a higher price than on-line. If you do a search, you can find LR on-line anywhere from 2$/lb to 4$/lb. I know this sight gives you free shipping and charges about $4/lb. Other sites can ship airport to airport at a rate of about 35 cents /lb. My suggestion would be to use...
  14. ogitrev

    Canister filter & WD filter

    Thanks for your opinion. It is very appreciated. I was thinking that I just may run a sump off of the canister so that I can run a Skimmer and get my heaters out of the tank. I'll search for that previous post though. Thanks for the help. - Og
  15. ogitrev

    Canister filter & WD filter

    Hi, I have been keeping freshwater fish for many years now and have decided to venture into the world of salt water. I currently have a Fluval 403 canister filter and I like it very much. However, I also want to run a WD filter with a skimmer, etc... My thought was to have the canister filter...