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  1. sfe

    Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!

    Oh, ok. But what kind of hermits are these. I have noticed you like hermits wax. Here is a closer pic.
  2. sfe

    Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!

    It's the rock with all of those holes in it kind of to the left of those crabs which I have no idea what kind they are.
  3. sfe

    Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!

    OMG. Every picture on this thread is amazing. So a yellow tang ate all that algae along with the domino and some snails? What about the green algae that is on the rock. It's not hair algae, just regular green algae that grows on rock. You really can't scrub it off since it's hard to get it off...
  4. sfe

    What is this??????

    Originally Posted by Speg Its just nastyness that happens to collect at the top. Phytoplankton, oils from food, etc. This is why a surface skimmer is nice to have because that stuff gets cycled back through the tank. I have a Red Sea Prizm Protein Skimmer Deluxe that has an adjustable heigh...
  5. sfe

    Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!

    Originally Posted by wax32 Of course! Wow. How did you get rid of that? And does the coraline eventually overcome the green algae if your adding additives?
  6. sfe

    Zoanthids: Some Eyecandy!

    Originally Posted by wax32 I think so: Hey wax, did you ever have a brown algae or green algae problem?
  7. sfe

    What is this??????

    yeah. that dispute was kind of funny. But to straighten something out, i really am that tall as i said and i am 16. I see you are too. lol But back to the question, i have no idea what it is. It's really bothering me. I was maybe thinking also not enough cleaner crew? I am not sure Any other...
  8. sfe

    Puffer took a bite out of me

    Originally Posted by boalgf I can easily pet mine and am not afraid of him, just wary. By pet him I mean i can pat his head for a second before he looks up to see if what's touching him is edible. He has bitten me before but it didn't break the skin. lol. that sounds pretty funny.
  9. sfe

    What is this??????

    I have noticed ever since I have started up my tank that it has like a film on top of the water. It's not thick or anything but it's like this filmy substance that stays on top pf the water. I really can't take a picture of it since you wouldn't really see it. Maybe not enough water movement...
  10. sfe

    an aggresive reef?

    Originally Posted by 8x8nhl well im not shure about the lighting im getting a tank from the lfs he says there called bassalts there are 3 lights with this box he says makes ech bulb 100 wats i dont know what hes talkin about i think im gona get these since im 11 and im short on cash but what...
  11. sfe

    Aggressive Hermits?????????????

    Originally Posted by SaltFan I hate the red hermits, those suckers eat everything in their way. IMO, keep the snails and get rid of the bigger crabs. Go with the dwarfs hermits, blue legs and such. Yeah I am going to get rid of these guys. i picked them up in the keyes over the summer. :scared...
  12. sfe

    For all those who want/do keep a yellow tang in a 55 ...

    Originally Posted by Merredeth I hope it doesn't grow because when it grows, it will have less space and become more stressed. Why don't people realize small tanks have limitations as to what they can adequately house? Why can't people just buy bigger tanks if they want the type of fish for...
  13. sfe

    Percula clown

    clowns are cool. Mine sleep upside down with the swimming motion. Its really weird.
  14. sfe

    Favorite sport teams?

    NFL- Miami dolphins NCAA- Go Gators baseball- Red Sox NBA- Pistons and Magic NCAAB- The Florida gators All the best teams ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. sfe

    clowns eggs don't look right?

    :joy: Originally Posted by Bang Guy When the fish spawned last week there were probably 300 - 600 of them and I assure you they were bright orange at the time :) You must be like an expert on clowns.
  16. sfe

    I want a pair of Clownfish!

    Originally Posted by peter1215 how about some clarkiis? i would stick to pers but if you don't want those, don't get them. I would get: 1 Scoorter blenny 1 firefish 1 Yellowtail damsel
  17. sfe

    What's the coolest hitch hiker you found?

    Originally Posted by fishieness im sorry, but that is soooo cooooooool! Well he lived so thats good. He is doing great in my tank. Has alread fed 3 times and loves to dig holes under rocks. :happyfish
  18. sfe

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    Originally Posted by Mike H. Spent $4200 so far on my 125 gal. One year old! wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. sfe

    What's your favorite saltwater fish?

    Originally Posted by Tim_12 My favorite that I own would be my Yellow Belly Damsel. I love its vibrant yellow and especially the blue. Is he aggressive?
  20. sfe

    brain coral question

    Originally Posted by mrdc My books say best results on feeding them is at night. Is that true? I guess the feeder tentacles come out at night. Yes it's best to feed them at night.