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  1. rbaby

    Clown Hosting Question

    Thanks for the replies. Bang: I know that an anemone won't thrive in my tank, which is why I was looking for coral alternatives. Thank you! So Hairy Mushrooms...I've heard some leathers? Anybody know what kinds could be good?
  2. rbaby

    Clown Hosting Question

    Hi guys, I have a perc and he needs a home. I don't have enough lighting or space for an anemone, I will be getting the 12g JBJ Nano Cube, Deluxe comes with 48 watts of 50/50 lighting (still trying to find other lights I can replace those withs that have higher wattage and/or actinic--if you...
  3. rbaby


    Also, I read that the Nano Cube has 3 filtration systems, one that has the bio balls in it--and from what others have advised, I was told that it was really bad because they become nitrate factories. Is there any way I can convert that li'l area into a mini sump where I can hide my thermometer...
  4. rbaby


    I finally decided I've had enough with the Eclipse system for my nano and decided to get a Nano Cube. Any thoughts on this? I saw a Nano Cube Deluxe which...with its stock lights are 48 watts of lighting. I believe they are 50/50 lighting--what kind of corals can I safely keep in this? In my...
  5. rbaby

    Got a rogue...

    I looked up various reef sites for this thing...and they all basically say that I should take them out. They grow to be really big, really fast and they will eventually hurt your fish and corals, is this true? It seems that fishing these guys out is going to be a pain...I have to soak the...
  6. rbaby

    Got a rogue...

    ewww yeah that's exactly it...what do I do? He seems to have grown quite large I've never seen him before.
  7. rbaby

    Got a rogue...

    Got a straggler rogue in my tank, first time I have EVER seen the little sucker. I have NO clue what it is, it looks like the arm of one of those really thin starfishes with the tons of li'l legs on a sea centipede, it's orange. I've only seen part of it so I don't know if it's...
  8. rbaby

    What could have caused this?

    Was there anything that I could have done? What are the chances that my other fish now have this parasite? Thanks Bang...I feel a little better knowing that I wasn't the cause of his condition.
  9. rbaby

    What could have caused this?

    I have 2 percs...1 is so incredibly healthy, his color is vibrant and he's not fat...but he's certainly healthy. The other however...I don't know what happened. I don't know what could have caused this. He was eating healthily and had a healthy appetite. He started to get thinner...and so I...
  10. rbaby

    is my Lawn mower blennie way too skinny?

    I am having the same problem with my fish atm. He used to be such a big eater but I believe he acquired something as he got just as skinny as your fish. Right now he's in a QT tank and I'm tryin to spot feed him small chopped Mysis but he won't eat it. I think it's pretty much overs for my...
  11. rbaby

    Mixing Saltwater?

    Thanks a lot for your help guys. Bang, I believe our water filter at home is an RO unit that's combined with a water softener.
  12. rbaby

    Mixing Saltwater?

    Ok so I should get like 5 gallon buckets...put some of my RO tap water in there...put in the salt all in room temperature and just mix like crazy? What if the salt doesn't dissolve? I also forgot to mention that our RO Filter at home, my parents put salt in it...but very very trace...
  13. rbaby

    Mixing Saltwater?

    My friend says that it's really difficult to dissolve the salt in root temperature and what he would do is basically take 25% of the water and warm it up enough to dissolve the salt. He'll put all the salt in that warm/hot water til it's all gone then he'll mix it in the big batch. Do any of...
  14. rbaby

    Mixing Saltwater?

    Hi guys, I'm getting a really good deal on a new tank and instead of a 30 gallon I might get a 60 gallon. Since I buy my water pre-mixed, the only way that I would keep the 60 gallon is if I started to mix my own water. We have a RO filter here at home that filters all of our water so my tap...
  15. rbaby

    40 Gallon Lighting

    Thanks Viper...I never really knew lights could be expensive. How about VHO lighting? Those are much cheaper--how many watts should I look into if I plan on keeping mushrooms, zoos and maybe a frogspawn...and/or anemone?
  16. rbaby

    40 Gallon - Input

    Thanks footbag, but I'm not very good with the whole setup thing so I was hoping to make my life easier. I don't know how to drill holes or to make the water circulate through a refugium/sump so I was hoping that they had those that had built-in ones. Any suggestions? I was planning on taking...
  17. rbaby

    40 Gallon - Input

    Does anybody have that Seaclear II Aquarium system? Are there any good protein skimmers to go in the back-end of that? The protein skimmer for Seaclear is like 40 bucks so it makes me wonder if it's any good. Hmmmmmmmmmmm...
  18. rbaby

    40 Gallon Lighting

    I'm finally taking people's advice and looking into upgrading my tank to a 35-40 gallon tank. I will slowly set it up so it's not as financially bruising but I am now looking into some lighting. I don't want to set up another tank where I'll have to upgrade anything next time I see another...
  19. rbaby

    Sexy Shrimp

    Are these guys reef-safe? I had a friend who said that he had to fish out all of his sexy shrimp because they started picking at their corals. Advice anyone? Also, care level tips and all that stuff would be great on these li'l guys.
  20. rbaby

    40 Gallon - Input

    Okay I'm confused, I see many Metal Halide lamps...some for industrial, some for agriculture...some for aquarium, what's the difference??? How many watts should I look into if I plan on getting an anemone in there (just bubble tip or rose) in a 35-40 gallon?