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  1. rbaby

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

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  2. rbaby

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

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  3. rbaby

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

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  4. rbaby

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

    Pic 1: I had to tear the side of the box a little to get my hands to reach all the way down to pull it, other than that everything's in perfect condition.
  5. rbaby

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

    It comes with the stock 48 watts of 50/50 lighting. I can take a picture of it but you can just look up nano cube under and you will see the exact same thing. Let me know if you have any other questions--I will take a picture of it today and post it up...going to have to take it...
  6. rbaby

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

    Hey guys, I have a brand new JBJ 12 gallon DX for sale. I'm selling it for $125 in the Los Angeles area (91367 zip code)...pick-up only please as I'm not good with shipping...but I can consider it as I still have the box it was shipped in, but I paid $30 for shipping, if you're willing to pay...
  7. rbaby


    What is a Yuma? BTW Bang, that is beautiful! Pink or not, the color is amazing :)
  8. rbaby


    Hey guys, My friend has this Ricordia in his tank that has blue, pink colors. Someone said that this was a rare it true? If so, I want to snag one when he frags it's very pretty. Also, with a 12 gallon how many watts will it need? What are considered to be "rare" zoos...
  9. rbaby

    Nano Cube Lights

    Hey Guys, I have the Nano Cube DX 12G and I wanted to replace the lights with a different bulb. Perhaps an Actinic Blue and a 10k. Any idea what brands I can get? I don't have a clue what kind of bulb it is nor how any help would be great. Also, I have the 1st edition one with the...
  10. rbaby

    Nano Flow Help

    Lol...sorry, I forgot to clarify... I want to keep the front side very clean, I don't want anything protruding out of the back that can't easily blend. My question I suppose was how to put a powerhead in the rear sump. I don't want to just stick a powerhead in the back and turn it on and have...
  11. rbaby

    anemone in a 10gal

    Oh undoubtedly, I agree with you. I don't deny at all that it is not possible, but I was simply stating that if you were trying to get an anemone strictly for your clowns to host in--there are easier options available that would provide the best of both words (the ease of care and the host for...
  12. rbaby

    Nano Flow Help

    Yes but that would mean that I would have to drill a 2nd hole somewhere where I'd like the 2nd one to be--I can't do that because I don't have the equipment nor am I interested in buying equipment just to drill a hole in the sump. Any other suggestions?
  13. rbaby

    Nano Flow Help

    Hey guys, I wanted to get some advice and/or tips as to how I can get good flow in my JBJ Cube 12 DX. I see some people have the nozzle as a T that blows air to two different directions--where do you guys get this? May I get a link? Also, since I do want the flow to go in separate directions...
  14. rbaby

    Eclipse Lighting

    In my opinion? Return the eclipse and get a different tank -.- These sytems are not made for saltwater...especially not the stock filter...but that's just me. I'm just mad at it :) My solution? Want an all-in-one-system? Get the 24G nano cube -.- LOL...but some people may tell you that's...
  15. rbaby

    What to do with mushroom coral?

    Unfortunately, I'm one of those noobs who end up buying the wrong equipment the first time around...and end up regretting it later on. With my first set up, I could only get 13W of power max...but, with adequate care, my mushroom has grown from the size of a quarter, to the size of a tennis ball...
  16. rbaby

    anemone in a 10gal

    Weeder...been there, done that--don't recommend it. I ended up returning that anemone to the store. If you jus want to see your clowns host something, depending on your wattage, you could easily house some leathers that your clowns can grow to love. Granted, not all clowns have the...
  17. rbaby

    water advice please

    His anemone was doing great until a rascal crab came and tore up its feet, it's been doing badly since then. But thank you everybody-- Bang Guy: So 10-15% water change for a week should suffice? The bacteria is really on the rocks and the sand isn't it? But if that's the case, why does a tank...
  18. rbaby

    water advice please

    Hi guys, My friend's anemone died a couple minutes ago and it clouded up the water. He knows that he can't do a full water change so we did a 20% water change. What is the safest way to completely change the water w/o disrupting his cycle? It's been established for about 3 months now... Do you...
  19. rbaby

    Fragmenting Mushromms . . .

    Hey little, that's great. I always like seeing people who frag and post the step-by-step details...because I certainly can't do it myself. If you have a shroom for sale, I would gladly buy one, they look very pretty...what color are they? If you are offering them for free I'd gladly pay for...
  20. rbaby

    Clown Hosting Question

    LOL np at all Bang--you've helped me plenty times before so I was pretty sure it was just a misunderstanding. Last I was on the boards, you were busy with a new are they doing? Thank you for your responses everybody, I will definitely look into purchasing one of these (maybe one of...