Search results

  1. rbaby

    12g nanocube lighting

    Try to contact JBJ and see if you can get a 12 gallon Nano Cube Deluxe hood. This has 2x24 watts of lighting...and the only lighting upgrade I can think of are some 27 watters from a website. If you get 2 of those in the deluxe hood that'll be 54 watts of lighting.
  2. rbaby

    Considering a nano, some questions....

    Any sand that already has organisms in it is considered "live sand". The chances of the sand you are talking about already harboring the bacteria you need are likely to already have them...actually, the live sand that you buy that is already packaged does not even have those organisms, these...
  3. rbaby

    jbj nano 12g (sump to refuge question)

    My friend also gave me a great tip to increase the flow in your tank... Put the powerhead base on the 1st compartment just below the fuge overflow on the left. This increases the flow in that compartment where the water is coming in and also counter flows the flow that's coming out of the...
  4. rbaby

    Aquacultured multirock ?

    Sammie also has an excellent point. But really, you don't need that many the ratio for the price and polyps is insignificant to me personally because I plan on caring for my zoos and ensuring that they thrive and multiply on their own. In that case, I don't want no ugly brown zoo...
  5. rbaby

    12g Nano Cube or 10g or your suggestions...

    Oracle I know the ordering page is quite confusing, but Chris has actually updated it lately to make it a bit clearer. It was more confusing when I was trying to order :).. My setup was based on Larnie's setup, he helped me a lot through the ordering process (because as I just mentioned I was...
  6. rbaby

    12g Nano Cube or 10g or your suggestions...

    If it's between the Nano Cube DX and regular, I would go for the DX. The main difference is that you get twice the wattage in a DX (48 watts) as opposed to the regular model (24 watts). This leaves you with more light for your corals, no matter how low-light they are. As soon as I get the tank...
  7. rbaby

    jbj nano 12g (sump to refuge question)

    I'm no expert...just sharing my setup for my 12g DX 1st Chamber: Sponge and Carbon 2nd Chamber: Chaeto 3rd Chamber, Heater/Pump
  8. rbaby

    Frogspawn and zoo's

    Doesn't the bacteria reside in the rocks/substrate/sponge etc. etc. and not the water? Don't know...that's what I always thought--
  9. rbaby

    Aquacultured multirock ?

    Many of the aquacultured rocks don't look very pretty IMO...unless you get lucky of course. I think that zoos and mushrooms will do well in your tank provided that you care for it. My .02 is that you just get hand-picked frags of zoos that you're going to enjoy and love...and not whatever comes...
  10. rbaby

    12g Nano Cube or 10g or your suggestions...

    Hey, I bought a custom nano system from Chris from that place you mentioned. My system cost around $420 with shipping--because I will be picking up. It's a lot heftier than just buying a nano DX and doing a DIY lighting on it...but being that I'm a ditz with DIY's, and I want it to...
  11. rbaby

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

    Those aren't the deluxe, that's only the regular 12 gallon which comes with 24watts of lighting.
  12. rbaby


    How many watts in your tank?
  13. rbaby

    Please Help, Ammonia through the roof!

    Hey, I'm not sure which product Debbie was talking about--but it sounds awfully similar to what I used help jump-start my cycle. It's a product called CYCLE, it's basically bottled bacteria, maybe that can help? Look it up and maybe it can help save your tank.
  14. rbaby

    Montipora Digitata?

    It's green with red dots on it--reminds me of Christmas... lol
  15. rbaby

    Rare or Uncommon Corals

    Hey guys, I want to set up a list of rare/uncommon corals...based on color according to species. List please :) As far as I know...I think true blue zoanthids and true red zoanthids...or according to Bang, Pink Ricordias. P.S. I keep looking everywhere for more information on this and can't...
  16. rbaby

    Montipora Digitata?

    "Rare Super bright Red Polyped Green Montipora Digitata" He's sold for 50 bucks for a small 1" that a rip off? Is it really rare or uncommon? I told my friend to ask the boards first before buying but he's an impulsive buyer...but I wanted to double check for sure.
  17. rbaby

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

    Hey Dark, What's your e-mail address? I will e-mail you my address, you can come pick it up anytime today or tomorrow...there will always be somebody at home and I can always leave them instructions. My e-mail is:
  18. rbaby

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

    Thanks elch for the interest, I will certainly let you know. I'm not sure I would be willing to go under 125 though, I'm already losing a good amount of money with this deal. I paid $139.99 for it + 30 I'm hoping to get some sort of compensation that doesn't flush me too far down...
  19. rbaby

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

    Pic 6: 3 compartments for 3-stage filtration, can be used for a sump if you can get a lamp back can keep some chaeto and/or caulpera. It includes the sponges, ceramic rings and bio balls.
  20. rbaby

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

    Pic 5: