Search results

  1. rbaby

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    Hairy Mushrooms, Hammer Corals, Frogspawns, Ricordias...I've known clowns to have hosted these...they would work with 48 watts.
  2. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    To increase flow in my tank this is what I put to replace the stock nozzle:
  3. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    Got my moonlights...$10 and I'm actually quite happy with's jus attached to the hood of my canopy...the flip-top part and I can adjust its angle and jus pop it off and put it somewhere if I want to highlight a particular coral it's so easy to move... I wanted to steer away from...
  4. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    Here's the full tank shot:
  5. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    Sure's one of the sump...1st chamber is a pump with carbon and sponge...2nd chamber is my chaeto...third is nothing to look at...just heater and 2nd pump.
  6. rbaby

    Eclipse vs. Nano-cube

    Don't make the same mistake I did...skip the eclipse, get a's my cube: Still new, but same old inhabitants...going to fill it up with corals soon :)...
  7. rbaby

    I don't get it?

    Hey Loopy, I got the nano cube and I'm very happy with it...however I got a modified version of it: It's 128 watts and I have a whole tank has been established for 6 months though I just basically moved it over to this...
  8. rbaby

    how do i make more algae grow?????

    Increase the duration that your lighting is on, that's the first thing that comes to mind...second is probably increasing your phosphates levels.
  9. rbaby

    Looking for: Pink/Red Ricordia

    Hey guys, I'm looking for solid pink or red ricordia--anybody have a baby frag? Also, Beth...saw your tank, I LOVE those Pink ricordias with the purple skirts...would you consider selling one little one? Thanks!
  10. rbaby

    12g nanocube lighting

    Scuba, e-mail me: I might be able to help. My tank currently is: Has 1 7100 bulb, 2 10k's, 3 T5 Actinics and a 7100 in the sump...totalling 128 watts.
  11. rbaby

    Digital Hydrometer/Thermometer?

    I know there are those digital thermometers that show the temperature of the room as well as the one in the tank. Is there one that shows the Specific Gravity as well as the temperature that's digital? Anybody know of a product like this? All the ones I see aren't digital. Thanks!
  12. rbaby

    WTB: Chaeto and Nassarius Snails

    Hey guys, I wanted to know if anybody had some chaeto and nassarius snails to sell? Preferrably from 1 person so that I pay only shipping once. Please let me know...none of my LFS' have those snails nor chaeto. Just a small little bunch, like a tennis-ball size. Thanks.
  13. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    Actinics On:
  14. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    10k/Actinic On:
  15. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

  16. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    Clarkii, the temperature has been consistently 78 in my tank after 24 hours of operation. Dory, yes I am actually considering a cold cathode tube as moonlights...I'm not fond of the "spotlight" look the LED's give... Lefty: Thank you, I'm not very good at aquascaping but I'm learning :). I...
  17. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    I will eventually get moon lights, getting the replacement powerhead tomorrow or the day after, then going through with my orders of corals....need to get some Chaeto and make a plenum underneath it. Maybe if I get bored, drill a 2nd hole in the 2nd compartment and put another powerhead...also...
  18. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    Here's Actinics on only:
  19. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    Here's 1 10k and Actinics on:
  20. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    I finally set up my cube and transferred over from my craptastik 10 gallon. Took me about 7 hours total to re-acclimate my 2 fishes, 1 sexy shrimp, 2 hermits and my only mushroom lol...will be getting more livestock once I heap over my mini cycle caused by new sand. This is with all the lights on: