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  1. rbaby

    rbaby cube (1 month update:img ext)

    Here's Actinics:
  2. rbaby

    rbaby cube (1 month update:img ext)

    Hey guys, It's been a month since I last moved my 12g to the new cube (see thread:'s doing great right now and I decided to play with pics... Current Stock List: . 2 Ricordias . 1 Safecracker Zoos . 1 Pink Zoos . 1 Purple/Red Favia . 1...
  3. rbaby

    Help Identify Worm?

    I have no idea Bang, I've kept it alive though and I've been trying to figure out exactly which way is up. There is a guy on another board who wants to make a tank dedicated to these guys...yes, I know...strange. But he said because of the "sheer" quality of the skin...he's pretty confident...
  4. rbaby

    Help Identify Worm?

    Got him! Figured worst thing that could happen by taking him out is I'm 1 less good worm in my thing is I'm not taking any risks. Just stuck the rock in ice cold fresh water and waited for him to show himself...however I didn't realize a snail was on the rock and he got dipped...
  5. rbaby

    Help Identify Worm?

    I was afraid that's what it was :(..Can anyone else confirm fireworms being reef-safe? Thanks for your response.
  6. rbaby

    Help Identify Worm?

    Hi guys, I saw this big fat "worm" looking thing inside one of the holes of my I grab my tweezers and try to yank the thing out...he was very pliable, easily stretching to about 3" but very slow moving as I was able to go after him 3-4 times before he was able to move further in the...
  7. rbaby

    Coral Differences?

    What's the difference between Alveopora, Flower Pots and Clove Polyps? I always see these clove polyps and flower pots that I want to buy but I fear that they end up being Alveoporas...a coral I do *not* want. Any ideas? Thanks.
  8. rbaby

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    Yes but your statement implied that aiptasia and anemones were two completely different things, when in fact they aren't. Aiptasia IS an anemone, just a different species...and actually, those pom poms will grab anything as pom poms. I've had friends whose pom poms lost their anemones and they...
  9. rbaby

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    promisetbg: You might want to look up what aiptasia is an anemone...just a very fast breeding type of anemone which is why they're reef pests...they will overrun your tank if you don't take care of the problem. Small little creatures but reproduce way too fast for its own good... Jen...
  10. rbaby

    Lights On My 12G Nano??

    If I didn't have a cube with a canopy that couldn't withstand the heat...I'd go with a 70w MH and some actinics, but that's just me...
  11. rbaby

    The NANO Police!

    Originally posted by ManjiSann I don't beleive anyone ever said that nano tanks are not for newbies. Then you obviously didn't read the first post which I was particularly referring to: For starters, nano tanks in my opinion are not for the beginner. A nano tank (NT) is far more difficult...
  12. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    I recommend you use silicone to tighten it down and let it cure for 24 hours--so try to do the overflow PRIOR to putting anything in your tank...otherwise your options are very limited as to how you can do it...but it is doable with it already stocked.
  13. rbaby

    MH over a 12 gal?

    I too would also recommend a 70w with actinics and/or T5's instead. 150+ above would be a huge hassle to try to keep temps down especially during the seasons...but if you can dish it out for a chiller I say why not! :)...and an auto top off.
  14. rbaby

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    For $8.99 that piece surely doesn't have that much coralline. When looking for live rock, look not only for pieces that you can work with for aquascaping, but see if you can see any pods and/or lots of coralline algae growth. That's what determines how expensive it is really...
  15. rbaby

    12 gallon with only lights and a powerhead? possible?

    With 18 watts you could only keep really zoos and shrooms...but they won't keep their color for very long and will most likely turn brown.
  16. rbaby

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    Firefish is pretty but I hear they jump--which is why I hesitated to get if you get one and find that it's missing, your best bet is to find the bugger in the sump/fuge :). Maxi 600 would work, definitely wouldn't hurt to try...but just keep track fo your temperature as I've noticed...
  17. rbaby

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    Originally posted by DVS Im narrowing down my live stock list. Id like to ge a clown, a goby (not sure what kind) a shrimp, a boxing crab, frogspawn, a yellow cup. Is this too much? Could I add more? Maybe a snail or 2? And yes, I know I have to wait, lol. Patience is a virtue! :yes: Jen I...
  18. rbaby

    vibe's 10 gallon bedroom nano

    Vibe that's looking killer and that yellow coral is amazing! Really stands out... Did you change your lighting at all or did you just mess with your camera a bit? It seems like it has significantly become much clearer and has a nicer color spectrum than your previous pics. Good job, keep the...
  19. rbaby

    New nano

    Keep us updated on your nano progress Tang! I'd love to see a journal of it. My nano is fairly new...I just recently upgraded to same-size tank...but more wattage. I had an Eclipse 12 with 13w of lighting to now a nano cube with 126 watts of lighting. Here's the thread where I put all my...
  20. rbaby

    Yuma Ricordia

    I attached it to another piece of rubble with some stocking thread and it seems to have gotten really just seemed like it was trying to sandwich it. So I put it in a shot-glass cup with some mesh on top with the rock to hopefully help it to relax a bit. I'm keeping my fingers...