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  1. rbaby


    Yes! Someone who's willing to listen about other clown hosting opportunities :)... My clown hosts a he's not much to say. But I did buy a hammer coral for him...but he doesn't give it the time of day. I have friends who have clowns that host hairy mushrooms, frogspawns, hammer...
  2. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    Also, my moonlights broke so I got new ones, they're 3 LED lights...I like 'em better than the old ones.
  3. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    My acan lord...1 head which I will dutifully feed everyday :)...was slightly damaged on the fragging but was assured that it will make a speedy recovery.
  4. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    One of my tricolor ricordias...I accidentally split it in half and traded the other half for another tricolor, it's recovering well...
  5. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    My favia...3.25 head count...
  6. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    Here's my coco worm w/o actinics...
  7. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    New Inhabitants: All very small frags, but all just as loveable: 1 acan lord head 1 Red Center/Purple Rim Favia Frag Coco Worm 2 Tricolor Ricordias 1 Safecracker Zoos (not open yet--) These pic is of my coco and my rainbow yuma...
  8. rbaby


    Wouldn't recommend it for a novice...especially for a 12 gallon but no one ever listens anyway. Just make sure you do your homework...
  9. rbaby

    moon lights

    Moon lights mimick night in your yes it is beneficial, anything that mimicks the corals' natural environment is a plus. Also, it's also said that lunar behavior is encouraged by moon lighting.
  10. rbaby

    The NANO Police!

    Yeah...nanos are definitely more work than a big tank...but you know, I'm a noob too and I started with a nano. As long as you do your homework and take the responsibility seriously, then I think you should be fine. This is my first tank and it's 12 gallon and things have been going very well...
  11. rbaby

    missing shroom

    Eh my shroom does that a lot--one day he's nice and HUGE, another he's barely enlarged...others, he's folded up. Shrooms are the hardiest of all corals so if your other corals are doing fine I wouldn't worry about it. If a tank ever crashed, shrooms would probably outlast all the other corals...
  12. rbaby


    To cycle your tank efficiently, put in all your substrates at the same time. If you add the sand now...let it cycle, then add the rock later, it will increase your cycle time. In short...yes :)...
  13. rbaby

    green moonstone brain

    Well, many corals are usually called many things that they really aren't's just that the species are related so they just dub them as so-and-so. And many people nickname corals differently so it really depends... Check out this link:
  14. rbaby

    green moonstone brain

    Looks fine to me unless you're mistaking them for open brains or closed brains. Those look more like favias to me or some species of acan...
  15. rbaby

    Yuma Ricordia

    It seems to have gunk under its base, but nothing on the petals or mouth. Is this okay?
  16. rbaby

    Yuma Ricordia

    Oh yeah, no one warned me that gunk lives inside those rocks...a huge slug came out of the rock...yuck...that's almost enough to never want me to frag
  17. rbaby

    Yuma Ricordia

    Thanks Viper for easing my worries...I love this yuma, it's a rainbow. It's kind of folded up a bit right now...seems like it hasn't stretched out at all just of it is still unattached but where it's tied down (next to the mouth but not covering the mouth) is holding it down pretty...
  18. rbaby

    Yuma Ricordia

    So my friend came over and tried to break down the rock my yuma was on because it was just too large and it seemed like my yuma was having difficulty expanding fully because it was just being folded up by the rock. He cut the rock down to pieces and in the midst of doing so, the yuma detached...
  19. rbaby

    rbaby's 12g Nano Cube (126 watts)

    I didn't dump my whole 20# bag in there, I keep about 1-2 lbs...dead or what not in my cabinet...and I also do a lot of manual stirring when I'm doing my water change. My water change is as follows... I hook up the HOT Magnum, fill it up with water...(usually will take up about 5% of my total...
  20. rbaby

    film on water

    I use the maxijet 1200 that's padded a little because you can't use the suction cups...great flow to the tank.