Search results

  1. kimf

    longnose butterfly is not doing well

    The longnose butterfly is not doing well. I have not seen him eat anything. Today I found him sucked up next to the ph filter in an unside down position. I turned off the ph and he righted himself, but not very active. Any thoughts on feeding?
  2. kimf

    Miracle Mud vs Competition????????/

    Exactly what is MM? Is it black mud? I'm trying to put a refigum together. I have the tank, the light and ordered a detritivore Kit. Wondering about puting sand or MM in this? Also any suggestions on algea to include?
  3. kimf

    MM or Florida Keys live sand

    Okay, I have the tank, I have the light, I've ordered the det. kit for a refigum. Looked for MM at premium aquatics (.com) but didn't see it listed. Is it really mud? Do you recommend the NATURE'S OCEAN BIO-ACTIV ARAGONITE--LIVE SAND or the FLorida Keys live sand to start off? Also, which macro...
  4. kimf

    4 hours

    I actually had to go do some home chores. Washing, ironing, the really fun stuff. But I'm Backkkkkkkkkkk! I have gotten LOL from these replies. Thanks guys
  5. kimf

    Setting up refigum

    Okay, I have the tank, I have the light, I've ordered the det. kit. Do you recommend the NATURE'S OCEAN BIO-ACTIV ARAGONITE--LIVE SAND or the FLorida Keys live sand to start off? Also, which macro algeas do you use. I've heard some bloom and cause more problems.
  6. kimf

    4 hours

    My hubby and I are both off work today. He was just saying "You love your fish more than me, come spend time with me instead of BB"
  7. kimf

    Setting up refigum

    I want to set up a refigum. I have ordered a detritivore Kiet for $60.00. I have a 20g tank that used to be my sump. I was planning on ordering sand from How much do I need? Exactly how do I do this? The detritivore's will be here in 6 days.
  8. kimf

    longnose butterfly is not doing well DIED

    The longnose butterfly is not doing well. I have not seen him eat anything. Today I found him sucked up next to the ph filter in an unside down position. I turned off the ph and he righted himself, but not very active. Any thoughts on feeding?
  9. kimf

    5 beginner corals

    The longnose butterfly is not doing well. I have not seen him eat anything. Today I found him sucked up next to the ph filter in an unside down position. I turned off the ph and he righted himself, but not very active. Any thoughts on feeding?
  10. kimf

    4 hours

    at least i'm not a lone fish in a giant ocean
  11. kimf


    from what I've seen and read no one wants these in their tanks. They are like weeds in your yard. They multiply incredably fast.
  12. kimf

    Brine Shrimp

    What is the web site of 400 gallon?
  13. kimf

    5 beginner corals

    An ideas on easy to raise nice colored corals?
  14. kimf

    ick water

    Wish I could help you. Have you tried you LFS?
  15. kimf

    4 hours

    junkie is the right word. I start looking at my watch about an hour before work ends, wondering who's on the board and what I have missed.
  16. kimf

    4 hours

    fshhub Hope you were not part of that Enron thing. Sorry to hear you were laid off. Much too expensive a hobby to have that happen
  17. kimf

    Dead Live Rock????????????

    I had an outbreak of green wavy hair algea and the only way I got it under control was by taking all the rock out and brushing hard under running tap water. When I replaced the rock first a little turned white then the coraline algea started to regrow.
  18. kimf

    4 hours

    I come home from work, check my tank and log on to this message board. I sit here for 4 hours watching the messages, of course I have a slow internet connection. I get up and look at my tank while moving from one message to the other. Does anyone else spend this much time on this message board?
  19. kimf

    ich water

    I believe the skimmer will help the water quality. I'm not sure about the ich.
  20. kimf

    5 beginner corals

    An ideas on easy to raise nice colored corals? Or should I try something else first?