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  1. teamsleep

    sand turning brown

    Hey guys, I just moved my tank and redid all the water. I used 100% distilled water. My sand has started to turn a brown color on the top. Also the sides have begun to turn brown. I had this problem before really bad but it was because I used tap water... this time I used all distilled... why is...
  2. teamsleep

    Should I change my lights?

  3. teamsleep

    Should I change my lights?

    I just ordered new bulbs just so I have a couple spare ones on hand for when I need to change them. I am just curious on when I know I will need to change them and how I go about doing it? Do I just wait until they are off for the night and then just switch them or is there a method I should...
  4. teamsleep

    Toadstool issues.

  5. teamsleep

    Toadstool issues.

    the other toadstool is like two or three inches away and sometimes they touchbut they are the same so i didnt think it mattered. any suggestions?
  6. teamsleep

    Toadstool issues.

    Yes I know that but i thought that they only stay closed for about 3 to 4 days. Today is like the 5 or 6 day I forgot when it closed. The one next to it closed and opened up with in two days of shedding its skin or whatever the leathers do. I was hoing it is normal becuase it still looks in good...
  7. teamsleep

    Toadstool issues.

    I have one rock that is about 4 to 5 inches long. I ordered one toadstool from another site and I ended up with two on the same rock, that are about 4 to 5 inches each. When I first set them in the tank they were doing awesome they were open all the time and alot of polyps on them. Now it seems...
  8. teamsleep

    Mamasky712's 90g tank diary

    I pretty much have the same set up as you except I have a 45 gallon and no skimmer but the 2 400's seem to do really well with flow along with the powerheads I have. Goodluck and keep all of us posted on your progress. Are you going to run the carbon filter bags? If I were you I wouldnt keep the...
  9. teamsleep

    Great clownfish video.

    you have to watch this. come on click it.
  10. teamsleep

    who spins pizza dough for fun

    I manage a pizza shop up here and we have to do a million sheeouts everyday. I can do probablly almost anything imaginable with some dough. No kidding a million sheetouts. We get so board sometimes to waste time thats all we do and it passes the time but when you mess up and the dough ball hits...
  11. teamsleep

    Great clownfish video.

    Check out this video I laughed so hard when I first saw it.
  12. teamsleep

    Stopped using skimmer.

    I will keep up my water changes and make sure all my levels are good at all times. I will watch the food and make sure I dont over do it and be aware of everything else. Thanks for your input.
  13. teamsleep

    Stopped using skimmer.

    My skimmer broke awhile ago and I have been going without one for about two weeks. I did about a 10% water change last week and I am going to continue every week to do one. My corals are doing fine. Both toadstools are bigger then ever and my colt is getting there too and my mushrooms are all...
  14. teamsleep

    Hairlike thing on my toadstool.

    Its about a 4 or 5 inch toadstool and the hair thing gets to be about like 10 inches sometimes with little hairs coming off it all the way up. The toadstool is huge and has a ton of polyps out on it so I dont think it is a bad thing.
  15. teamsleep

    Hairlike thing on my toadstool.

    At night and sometimes during the day my toadstool has one end that has something that is hairlike that comes out and retracks really quick to go out again. No corals are near it or anything and it happens all the time I am just curious if it is good or bad or just regular for the coral. Thanks.
  16. teamsleep

    Will my colt kills my other corals?

    Problem avoided I fixed it all up.
  17. teamsleep

    Will my colt kills my other corals?

    I am thinking about moving my colt to the other side of my tank becuase I believe it is to close to my toadstool. It is about 6 inches away but I dont want anything bad going on. My question is if I move it to my other side of the tank it will be near my rics and I dont want any of them to die...
  18. teamsleep

    Syracuse gets shafted!!!!

    I think that they seen that the NIT wasnt really that good this year and they want the ratings for both tourneys so they left a couple teams out that couldve made it and put them in the NIT to make it better. Syracuse did lose a few games that they couldve won if they just learned how to shoot...
  19. teamsleep

    My DIY see through tank stand (in the works)

    That ended up turning out to be really nice. Glad to hear that everything went ok with the move. Two questions for you. What is the plastic thing with the holes in it at the end with the powerheads? Have your clowns picked on each other at all? Everything looks great, good placement for the corals.
  20. teamsleep

    Syracuse gets shafted!!!!

    What do any of you think of the brakets and whos going to take it this year? Whats up with Syracuse getting shafted too I mean come on! They didnt do that good but they deserve to be in the tourny.