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  1. reefrank

    upgrading by next week.need help real qwik

    I did this about 6 months ago. I have done it a few times and it works great, here ya go. Perform a few water changes in your 55, and save the water in 18 gallon totes or trash cans (I like the totes due to the shape and size). Premix water and have all the water you need ready for the new tank...
  2. reefrank

    jump start cycle

    Very good reply It seems more and more now days that many people want to rush into this hobby. Just let it take its course, sit back and enjoy the cycle. I actually find it interesting to watch the different cycles and growths that occur. Take your time, ad your rock, sand, sit back chill enjoy....
  3. reefrank

    What to put rock on?

    Originally Posted by renogaw yea, its fine until you get your first burrowing fish/shrimp. then, as the sand gets pushed out from under the rock cause this animal wants a home your aquascape gets compromised, and youf animal gets squished. oh, not to mention the rock can fall and break your...
  4. reefrank

    Cooked or Uncooked Shrimp Cycling

    Originally Posted by hagfish The point of using the shrimp is not to rush the cycle. It is to start the cycle. Ammonia has to be introduced. As the shrimp decays it produces ammonia. I definitely would not cook the shrimp first. What would be the point? Okay, but won't the tank cycle...
  5. reefrank

    What to put rock on?

    Originally Posted by Ben78 Ok, after reading heaps here I am going to pull my tank back down and do it differently (lucky it's only been running for 4 days!) Every has been talking about putting the live rock on egg crate - what is this? Is just a sheet of acrylic suitable to protect the glass...
  6. reefrank

    schooling green chromis

    I have had three blue chromis for well over three years, they were in a 55 gallon together, they are now in a 125 gallon, they school and look really cool when doing so. I also have a domino damsel in the same tank. Never a problem with fighting.
  7. reefrank

    Cooked or Uncooked Shrimp Cycling

    It just absolutely amazes me at how many people want to rush into this hobby. The most successful Reef keepers are those that just take it easy and let the nature of the tank do its thing. I myself have started many a tank. I have never rushed a cycle with shrimp or any other dead organism. A...
  8. reefrank

    Perpetually Shedding Toadstool Leather

    Don't worry to much about this, it sounds to me like it is a good thing. Shedding, as mentioned previously is normally attributed to growth. Mine would shed about once a week, now its at about once every other month. It is huge as compared to six months ago, it has doubled in size. As long as...
  9. reefrank

    fraging corals?

    I had a similar situation. I have a 125 reef and my colt coral grew so big it attached to three rocks and was impossible to take out. I fragged right in the tank and added no chemicals to my tank, no harm occured. I did the same with my leather toadstool that got so huge it was hitting the front...
  10. reefrank

    tank and flooring

    Okay, here is what I did, for whatever it is worth. Over top of the wood floor, I placed a large piece of cardboard and than my stand and made a template of where I wanted the stand to sit. I took this template and traced it over a piece of 1/2 inch thick plexiglas, cut the plexiglas a little...
  11. reefrank

    125 Help Help

    I have an AGA 125, and stand with three doors, what's the issue?
  12. reefrank


    All of your animals come from semi polluted natural sea water, none of them come from fake seawater. The Atlantic ocean water just off the coast of florida I use has been working for me for over 10 years. A friend of mine started an entire LFS with 100% NSW with no problems or diseases. You can...
  13. reefrank

    My red mushrooms are melting!!

    Probably due to the move, you pretty much doubled your tank size, which means you basicly did a 50% water change. So losing one coral through this move isn't to bad. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but this happens sometimes when upgrading. When I moved from a 55 to a 125 I lost my...
  14. reefrank

    Need Help

    Same tank that I have. You only need one pump, tee it off and from the tee go to your inputs to your tank, you want a pump that puts out approximately 1200 gph, my pump outputs 1400 gph. Your choice on the brand, I won't even get into the brand battle here. Dump the bio balls if your going with...
  15. reefrank

    where ya from and where's your fav. LFS?

    Palm Coast Florida, Favorite LFS is Coral Reef Aquariums Daytona
  16. reefrank

    Am I nuts?

    Yes my friend I break rules all the time, and to be quite honest with you I believe many of the "rules" people rely on are to chemical for me. I rely on the nature of things. I get my water from the ocean. I acclimate my fish only. I skim, which I do believe in. But I don't worry to much about...
  17. reefrank

    Green Hair Algea

    Every tank I have ever had has at one time been victim to hair algae. My latest was in my 125, patience is the key. I did many water changes and prior to the water changes I would scrub my rocks with a toothbrush and if needed pull it off with my fingers. Then suck up what is floating after the...
  18. reefrank

    Lets see those Gigantic Tanks..

    My 125 recently (6 months ago) transfered from a 55, tank went into same location that the 55 was in. Quite the task.
  19. reefrank

    How many tanks do you have?

    Originally Posted by hot883 Don't have closer at this time but can be done for you. It is a Harley Davidson custom paint set and is #21 of 200 for the year 2005. Thanks for the compliments. I went on a 3,000 mile trip last year and had a blast. Actually I do; here it is with my weiner. Both...
  20. reefrank

    Pics of my 125

    more of the same tank