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  1. chance

    what happend to them

    what is weird thow the shrimp and the fish were in the same spot and not were they liked to hang out
  2. chance

    what happend to them

    any idea about what is moving the sand
  3. chance

    what happend to them

    Originally Posted by SUDC Like renogaw said, lower it SLOWLY. A fast decline is actually worse than the high level. I would just do smallish water changes over the newt 1-2 weeks with like 1.025-7 water until it comes down With that amount of fish, im surprised that you dont have high...
  4. chance

    what happend to them

    Originally Posted by SUDC Your salinity is pretty high! 1.026-1.027 is about the tops that you want to go. Has it always been like that? I could see that as being an issue with the peppermint but not sure that would kill the blenny although it's possible. i now im about to do a water change...
  5. chance

    what happend to them

    amonia -o trites- o trates- 5 salin- 1.029 ph - 8.2
  6. chance

    what happend to them

    the tank is 29 gallons its been running for about six months i have 4 yellow tailed damsels 2 green chromisis 2 false percula clown fish the shrimps ben in the tank 4 months the blenny 2 months
  7. chance

    what happend to them

    today i woke up and looked in my fish tank and saw that my bicolor blenny and peppermint shrimp were dead i did notice that somthig was making the blenny hide and not eat mabey my yellowtail damsesl also i saw a biristle worm rub against the peppermint shrimp after i took them out...
  8. chance

    protien skimmer

    i am thinking about getting a clean up 75 venturi protien skimmer for my 30 gallon reef tank i was woundering if anyone knows if it will be to big for my tank ?
  9. chance

    protien skimmers

    what kind of protien skimmer do you think would be good for a 29 gallon reef tank?
  10. chance

    new fish

    i came home at like 2 oclock this mourning and so far today it looks like all the fish are swiimming in the open non of them are hiding but the bicolor blenny in his normal cave like he always does the other fish look like there are okay but when another fish gets to close to a damsel the...
  11. chance

    new fish

    Originally Posted by essop3 How big of a tank? 29 gallons
  12. chance

    new fish

    29 gallons
  13. chance

    new fish

    i was gone on a trip for two weeks and my uncle took care of my aqrium before i left i had 1 green chromis and 1 bicolor blenny and when i come back i find that he has gotton me some fish as a suprise the were 2 false percula clownfish ,4 yellow tail blue damsels i heard damsels can be...
  14. chance

    my 12 gal nano aquapod

    ***) :joy: :joy:
  15. chance

    Another blenny /power head problem

    thanks i tried lifting it but before i was able to get the ph out of the water it swam out
  16. chance

    Another blenny /power head problem

    This morning I noticed my tanks water level was to low so I turned off my power head beacause I didnt have enough time to put more water in and when I come home i found my bicolor blenny in the spot were water comes out of the power head i tried to get him out long enough to turn on the power...
  17. chance

    post your 29s

    Originally Posted by mopar9012 I dont take good pics. Some things have changed but yeah... great rock work
  18. chance

    post your 29s

    I need some ideas for my 29 so please post your pics!
  19. chance


    thanks evryone i itroduced it to the tank and saw it hide under a rock and walked away for a minute and now i cant find him he probalyis hidding between the rocks