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  1. imo

    rookie mistake

    Just doing water changes is not going to keep your calcium levels up. I don't know of any salt mix that will keep your calcium at the proper level (400-450). If that were the case there would be no need for additives. After you add new corals, each coral obsorbs your tanks calcium at it's own...
  2. imo

    rookie mistake

    I'm not a advanced aquarist, but if you dose calcium you still need to be doseing for alkalinity. If calcium is just dosed your PH will go low and if you just dose for PH your calcium will go low. You need to dose for both and find the correct dosing combo that keeps both levels where they...
  3. imo

    Texas Holy Rock?????

    If you go to and look at the tanks of the month section, the July tank of the month was done almost completely with "Utah Aragonite rock ans Oolitic sand".
  4. imo

    Texas Holy Rock?????

    In Utah out by the great Salt Lake we have a region called Aragonite. It has thousands of pounds of calcium carbonate rocks that we just go and dig up, wash off and throw in our reef tanks. It is very porous and looks great after it is seeded with some live rock. There is also some dunes on...
  5. imo

    testing kits?

    Being that your tank is 6 months old (should be stable by now). I would probably test calcium and Alk once a week and your nitrates every 2-4 weeks. All other tests can probably wait until you see a problem with the tank. If you dose trace elements, you will probably want to keep a close eye...
  6. imo

    Poll, how many gallons of SW have you injested..

    Is it just me or is the RO/DI, carbon filtered and skimmed water in your "poopy tank water" likely to be about a hundred times purer than the tap water you bathe in and drink? :rolleyes: Just a thought about siphoning with your mouth (I do this).
  7. imo

    new tank

    Add your sand first and then put a bowl or dinner plate on the top of the sand to pour your water into. It will help prevent your sand from causing a dust cloud when the water is added. Good luck.
  8. imo

    New 0.75 gallon nano!

    I saw 2 of these at the LFS yesterday that have been up for some time. I think you could do it realtively easily as long as your diligent. I have an idea about not being able leave it for more than 2 days. Could you not just pull of the light and filter real quick and slowly ease it into your...
  9. imo

    Get Rid Algae

    Originally posted by CrustyTheClown Furthermore, last evening I noticed that my lavarock base is now beginning to come to life, as there are unknown "things" now living on it, as well as becoming coraline encrusted in several various locations. This is way cool! :D When you say lavarock...
  10. imo

    Begin The Bashing!!!!!!

    Thats nothing. My local fish store has a 6" foxface, 8" lionfish, 3 8" black tip sharks all in their 40 gallon display. I've spent a long time in front of that tank and I don't think that the lion can even turn around with all the rock in there.
  11. imo


    Sorry, I see your tank has been up since July. I would still assume it is red slime algae (not good). Take your hand and see if it is a slimey substance (red slime) or if it is a hard rock (coraline) like substance.
  12. imo


    I would say if this green and purple/red algae came right after your diatom bloom (brown algae), you are most likely dealing with a hair and red slime algae outbreak. It is pretty common after about 3-4 months in a new tank. How long has your tank been setup? What is your nitrate level?
  13. imo

    Metal Halide ?

    I was thinking of maybe getting the 250 watt MH ballast and a Ushio 10,000k bulb. I would also include 2 23" 55 watt PC lights in actinic 03. Would I be able to keep LPS and SPS with this setup. I have a standard 55 gal tank. I would have the following: 250 watts MH @ 10,000k 110 watt PC in...
  14. imo

    Metal Halide ?

    They sell a 400 watt Iwasaki bulb rated at 6500k for $68. The 400 watt ballast is $42. What do you think of that setup? Would it be OK.
  15. imo

    Metal Halide ?

    Looks like the bulb is rated at 4200k. I could definately go for the ballast and buy a more expensive bulb such as a 10000k rated bulb and would still be looking at just $110, versus $300 for an actual fixture sold for saltwater. Any one have anymore thoughts on this.
  16. imo

    Metal Halide ?

    Hello All, I was wondering about what all of you thought about using industrial metal halide ballasts and lights. I have found a sight that you can get 150 watt balasts for $40 and 150 watt bulbs for $29. I realize the there may be some quality issues with these cheaper setups, but could I use...
  17. imo

    Black film in tank?

    Is it slimey? How long has the tank been setup? A lot of red slime can look nearly black in certain light. You probably had a red slime outbreak while you were gone.
  18. imo

    just bought an existing tank

    The powder blue tang is a very delicate fish and is very hard to keep sucessfully. Chances of it surviving, especially with another tang already established is not very likely. Two things are probably going to happen: 1) The powder blue will become stressed, die and you will lose an expensive...
  19. imo

    stock list for 55g

    You should be fine with the stocking of these fish without being over your limit. This is the order I would put them into your tank: 1 Green Chromis 2 Percula Clowns 3 Royal Gramma 4 Flame Angel
  20. imo

    Outraged about Early Show "Finding Nemo"

    If you get PETA involved their not going to stop with just Tetra and CBS. In five years none of us will be able to have a salt water tank. PETA is not the way to go. They are completely biased and only see thing from one angle, theirs!