Search results

  1. beamer

    Auto Topoff Equipment

    My ro/di unit is a good ways from my tank. My tank guy installed the unit under the sink. I use it for drinking and cooking purposes and then he ran a line from under the sink, behind the frig up through the wall to the attic, accross the attic down into the AC closet and out the return vent to...
  2. beamer

    Galaxea Coral

    I'm not sure how long the sweepers get on mine. When I've noticed them out during the day they are about 1-2 inches. I've never tried looking at it after the lights are out. This morning I prematurely turned on the lights to do something and I saw the sweepers out on my candy cane. That's the...
  3. beamer

    Galaxea Coral

    Here's a little better view. I like him being down in the corner with less stinging potential. cindy
  4. beamer

    Galaxea Coral

    I have mine on the sand in the right hand corner. He has plenty of room and good flow. I use 4x 96watt PC (2 of those are actinic 03). He seems to be doing very well. he has plenty of space around him especially with him being in the corner. I need to get a better pic this one isn't too great...
  5. beamer

    Salt to water formula

    Congratulations! You made a very smart decision in purchasing your refractometer. You won't regret it. I did not have to calibrate mine. It comes with a little kit of purified water and an instrument to calibrate it with. I put a few drops of the water on the refractometer looked up at the...
  6. beamer

    Salt to water formula

    There's a number of refractometers to buy out there. I have only had mine for about a month and love it. Mine is made by Sybon. They say that they are the leader in salinity refrac. I believe I bought mine through Premium Aquatics for $58. You can get them for more or for less. I personally...
  7. beamer


    I mix my salt water in a 55 gl trash can that is heavy duty with large wheels. I keep a power head in the can to keep the salt mixed and aereated. I make new water right after I do my water change so that I have salt water on hand in case of an emergency and that way the water is always ready...
  8. beamer

    Are store bought glazed shells toxic?

    Thanks kaOz4allu! I used a small piece of dried reef rock that the LFS gave me. I washed it off good with hot water and let it get semi dry then applied a couple of drops of glue to the rock and one to the stem of the mushroom, waited a few sec and then put the frag on the rock. It seemed to...
  9. beamer

    Are store bought glazed shells toxic?

    Thanks everyone, Since I already have the crazy glue I might as well use it. I was doing a water change a little while ago and sucked out a fuzzy mushroom accidentally so I guess this will be my first experience with fragging. What do you mean by "curing it first". ? :notsure: Do you mean it...
  10. beamer

    Are store bought glazed shells toxic?

    O.K. I'll run out and get some underwater epoxy. Can I get that pretty much anywhere? All my LFS had was this putty looking kind of stuff. Cindy
  11. beamer

    Are store bought glazed shells toxic?

    Thanks, I've decided not to use it. The basket of shells that I bought don't have the glaze . I think I may clean these thoroughly and glue them together to make a barrier. I bought Krazy Glue. Is that ok to use? Thanks, Cindy
  12. beamer

    Are store bought glazed shells toxic?

    I'm needing to separate my BTA from one of my corals since the BTA has gotten so large. I found a large Lions Paw shell at a hobby store that I thought would be great, however, the shell is glazed. Is there a problem with me using this shell in my tank. Would it be toxic to my tank and kill my...
  13. beamer


    That surely was a fast reply! My tank is about 2.5 yrs old. I've been using some buffer to get the ph up a bit. I use PC lighting. 2 x 96 watts of ??daylight 10000K. and 2x 96 watts actinic 03. Phosphates and nitrates will not come down until the sandbed is changed out. It doesn't seem to...
  14. beamer


    Here's some photos from June if your interested. The brain is nice and puffie in these photos. Cindy
  15. beamer


    Hi MR Tuna! But do brains need to be placed on the sand for some reason? As far as parmaters go I've not checked them for a month or so. I have an existing tank that I bought a few months ago in the Dallas area and moved it 130 miles. Made the mistake of using the existing sand bed instead of...
  16. beamer


    Just curious, are brains suppose to be on the sandbed? I have one (orange open brain) up in the rocks. It stays shrunken up most of the time. I hope your brain gets back to normal. I will be interested in hearing responses to what's causing it. Cindy
  17. beamer

    Feeding anemone

    I just feed mine a little frozen brine shrimp food when ever I'm feeding the others. I use a turkey baster . When I've tried feeding my BTA a silverfish and just when I think its gone my clown dives in and pulls it out of the BTA. I've only done this once so I guess I'll try again and maybe cut...
  18. beamer

    Everyone post a picture of your tank here please

    Here's another.
  19. beamer

    Everyone post a picture of your tank here please

    I have no idea about the lighting. I use PC lighting on my 120 gl. I got my BTA as a baby and it has grown tremendously in the 6 weeks that I've had it. Its been a couple of weeks since I've taken these pics and it seems like its almost twice the size of the picture now. I'm going to have to...
  20. beamer

    PH, Nitrate, Nitrite, Amonia

    There is some rule to go by and I'm not sure what it is. If I had to guess I would say 1 inch/gl of water. Hmmm. That doesn't really sound right, I'm sure one of the others will chime in here. The main thing I wanted to say is with the livestock that you have you might want to wait on the...