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  1. beamer

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    That's exciting news! Sorry, I can't help you as far as who has them and who doesn't. One thing that I'd like to have in my nano (that is if I didn't have wall to wall corals) would be a pom-pom crab. They are really neat looking and carry a small anemone in each claw. That's his protection...
  2. beamer

    gobies or blennys

    I have a gobie and to be sure he has plenty to eat I spot feed him with my turkey baster. He seems to do better when I do spot feed him although I've been told that it really isn't necessary. Cindy
  3. beamer

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    Obarrera, I'm glad your new little fish was o.k. Wasn't that a neat feeling when you found him in there alive? Just remember to be patient and when the time is right for the move then it will happen. Meanwhile you have plenty to keep you busy and it will give you more time so that you get your...
  4. beamer

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    Have lots of fun with it and I'll be anxious to see your progression pics! Cindy
  5. beamer

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    The Nano 12 gl was easy for us to do. We used only water from the home tank, as well as the rock and all corals. The only thing that didn't come out of our 120 gl was sand, although it was seeded with the old, and the fish. After we got back from a weekend trip Nemo was no where to be found. We...
  6. beamer

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    Thanks, Obarrera! Everyone at my husbands office really seems to enjoy the Nano. In fact, it seems to make them feel more comfortable being at a dental office. Mike, Mtx, Shirleyl-TR, Orca-Joe and I would love to hear about what you have going on now and any pics you might have. I'm impressed...
  7. beamer

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    And another
  8. beamer

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

  9. beamer

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    My link didn't turn out right. HEre's a couple of pics of my 12 gl nano
  10. beamer

    Im Gettin' A Cube!

    My husband and I have had the nano dx 12 gl for a couple of months now and we love it. We have it at our office and patients go crazy over it. We have a yellow clown goby, a false clown, and a royal gramma. For corals we have frogspawn, torch, hammer, ricordia mushrooms, red mushrooms, brown...
  11. beamer

    Big poster?

    Hi Oberra! I also wish you a very merry christmas! I know that moving is a hassle but maybe it will provide even a better spot for your new tank. Its sounds like your new tank will be awesome!! We have a little 12 gl nano at the office. I think 3 fish is all it can handle, had 5 and 2 of the...
  12. beamer

    Big poster?

    Hi Oberra! yes I'd still like to see pics of your tank but just when you can get around to it. Maybe over the hollidays you will be able to do so. TR/Texas Rancher (blenny) and MTX also know before as Michael should be able to help you. They are always full of good ideas. They can be contacted...
  13. beamer

    Big poster?

    Hi oberra! This is Cindy/beamer from the other board we used to be on. Didn't you say once that you knew someone that was really good with computers? Have them print it out for you and pay them something for the ink and paper, or as another here said burn it to a CD and take it to kinkos. Are...
  14. beamer

    WANTED: blue hippo tang pictures

    Interesting about the circle. I really had not thought about it. Mine is almost solid looking. I have noticed that with mine the blue is not solid. She looks like she has freckles and within that circle area its kind of spotty looking. Is this an indication that something isn't quite right? My...
  15. beamer

    what to do about a leather...please i need help

    Mine also comes back larger. I'm new at this so it seems perhaps this is at least one way in how they grow. Nature is so awesome! Cindy
  16. beamer

    what to do about a leather...please i need help

    Mine is starting to slough off again. The first time it happened I just knew it was dead but then after a week or so it was just as pretty as ever. Hopefully that's all yours is doing. Cindy
  17. beamer

    Auto Topoff Equipment

    ThanksRobChuck! I'll go back and look that up on line. I don't use a top off reservoir. My ro'di is plumbed directly into the sump with the float valve. Since I don't use a top off reservoir will I still be able to use the Tunze unit? Cindy
  18. beamer

    Auto Topoff Equipment

    Originally I had wanted to put in two float valves but my tank guy looked at me like I was crazy saying that he'd never had anyone complain of it before and that I was just worrying to much about things and making them more complicated than they needed to be. It's true I was worrying too much...
  19. beamer

    Auto Topoff Equipment

    VyperOne, I would be interested in your sprinkler valve and transformer. I'm not real secure with what I am using. My ro/di set up is like yours going directly to the sump. I'm afraid of my float valve getting stuck and then I'll really have a mess. I'm fixing to have to break down and move my...
  20. beamer

    Found a limpet and killed my first apaista(SP)

    Just curious. If you boiled the rock with aptasia, why did you throw the rock away? :notsure: I have one that I would like to get rid of. Cindy