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  1. partonks

    How Many Hermits Should I Get For My 46 Gallon Bow

    I got 20 scarlet legged and 20 blue legged for my 50. They came in a package from and they really are thriving, I also enjoy watching them. Two of the reds also quickly took care of a dead snail in my tank too, it was very impressive.
  2. partonks

    A couple questions from me - new to hobby

    Just my $.02, I love my hermits. I have a total of 40 in my 50g tank and there are always at least 10-15 in view working and eating. People typically look straight past the fish to the inverts in my case. I have 20 snails, 40 crabs (20scarlet leg, 20 blue), 3 emerald crabs, 1 Sally Lightfoot...
  3. partonks

    Percula Clown/Copper Lower levels?

    This is anecdotal and just my experience, but I have a percula in a 50g with 75lbs live rock, no anemones. The Clown is never cruising around the rocks, he stays mostly close to the glass and often in the upper half of the aquarium. Some fish are more likely to swim in open water from what I...
  4. partonks

    food of blue leg hermit crabs?

    I introduced my blue leg hermits a week ago and I was worried that they were eating each other! Fortunately, it appears that they are either really friendly or have a common "home" in the tank. Unfortunately, they have not been attacking the 3 snails I lost in the last week. I removed 2 and I...
  5. partonks

    Shrimp Compatibility

    In my invert package I got last week, I got a small coral banded shrimp. He is now happily eating and wandering around my 50g reef (or will be a reef) tank. I was wondering about shrimp compatibility, specifically, can I have a cleaner shrimp in addition to the CBS. I know there are...
  6. partonks

    Blue Leg Grudge Match

    By the way, it's a 50g w/ 75lbs lr, 50lbs ls, 1 true perc, 20red leg hermits, 1 brittle star, 2 blue stars, 1 Sally Lightfoot, 3 emerald crabs, 2 96W VHO, 2 96W actinics with a hang on Prizm skimmer.
  7. partonks

    Blue Leg Grudge Match

    I got 20 new blue leg hermits from this week and I have a question. They are spending a lot of time congregated, doing what looks like a battle the deat. Are they just eating their already departed brethren, or are they this agressive towards one another. I've tried...
  8. partonks

    First Loss:(

    I lost one of the Brittle stars from my first delivery last night. I tried to acclimate the stars slowly but I just don't think they're doing well. I haven't seen one of the Brittles or either of the serpents in a while, I'm afraid they're all dead and mucking up my water somewhere...
  9. partonks

    Fav. Cleanup Crew Member

    I just introduced my clean up crew in the last two days and I already love the Sally Lightfoot and what little of the CBS I have seen. The stars have been very reclusive and I'm hoping they make it.
  10. partonks

    Acclimating Blue Starfish without air?

    I received and acclimated 2 blue stars yesterday from I did acclimate them slowly, but possibly not slowly enough (they were sent to me on accident, so I hadn't done my studying). They both have established a home in holes in the rock and hold up their legs to filter feed. I'm hoping...
  11. partonks

    Flamse scalop.. help

    I was accidentally shipped two flame scallops yesterday and after doing some reading (luckily, I had looked into them before) I opted to give them to my LFS. They are filter feeders and require a very established tank for survival. Supposedly, even in an established tank, their life expectancy...
  12. partonks delivery

    Thanks again to, I received the contents of my oirginal purchase today and everyone seems happy. I haven't seen much of the starfish, but I think they're still getting used to the place. Thanks.
  13. partonks

    Blue Starfish just gave me 2 blue stars today on accident with a wrong shipment. I'm afraid I didn't acclimate them long enough (I couldn't get to this board to get opinions), I treated them like the other inverts. I hope I didn't doom them.
  14. partonks delivery

    Just wanted to tell a funny story and say thanks to I had ordered the invert package last week for the 20-55 gallon aquarium. I stayed home from work this morning to accept it and it was clearly the wrong package. Just 10 snails, 6 stars, 2 flame scallops, 2 sea cucumbers, 2 Feather...
  15. partonks

    Finally...a fish

    That's an awfully nice thing to say, the information I have gotten here has been invaluable in the setup and running of the tank. I'm a bit of a worry-wart, so it's good to get advice on things like this. Thanks again, Kevin
  16. partonks

    Finally...a fish

    Thanks for the info. I have been religious with the water testing and everything has been great. I want this to be a reef tank eventually, so all that is in line. I'll probably lower the feeding amount and see how he does. Thanks, Kevin
  17. partonks

    Finally...a fish

    I tried it with the powerhead on last night and he was all over the place eating. I decided to switch to two small meals a day, but he didn't really take any food this morning (just one piece that I saw), got me a little worried. I try to put in enough so that he eats for 2-3 minutes at a...
  18. partonks

    Finally...a fish

    OK, one more question I've gotten differing opinions on at this point. Do I need to turn off the powerheads during feeding time? I did last night, but a lot of food still seems to move around and not get eaten, which is the right idea? Thanks, Kevin Can't wait to get home today to see the...
  19. partonks

    Finally...a fish

    Thanks for all the help here on the board. I got to add my false perc last night to the cycled tank. I acclimated him according to the method and everything went well. He actually ate last night about 2 hours after introduction. I am still learning about how much to feed, but trying...
  20. partonks

    Feeding advice

    While going through the cycling process, I have become quite well versed in LR, LS, and water chemistry. However, now I have a cycled, stable 50g reef with 75lbs LR, 50lbs LS, and no livestock. I am preparing to add a clean up crew (from and my first fish is going to be a true perc...