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  1. partonks

    A lot of ?????????

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but your 75g is already set up and stable with the fish load you mentioned? If so, adding the live rock, if not already cured, could be a disaster. If you're getting it for $1/lb, maybe it's coming out of someone's established aquarium, which would be ideal. On the...
  2. partonks

    What do you add to your REEF!

    I will pass along information that I got on this forum. I know you need to add calcium to get above 400ppm. Also, Strontium is important for a lot of corals. The calcium also promotes the growth of the desirable coralline algae.
  3. partonks

    What is happening to all the posts??

    I've experienced the same thing in a different forum. My posts are gone from yesterday in the Reef Tanks forum. Anybody know why? They were just information requests, I don't know why they'd be deleted.
  4. partonks


    I'll answer you with my limited knowledge, as I am in the process of curing 75 lbs of live rock in my 50g setup. I don't know visibly how you can tell if rock is cured or not, but I know that the smell my rock was giving off when I first got it has decreased a good bit. If it is uncured, you...
  5. partonks

    Live Rock Critter

    I am by no means an authority, but if you search for Aptasia Anemone on this site, you will find a lot of discussion about the animals. they live in rock or on the glass and will pretty much infest a tank. I think they will cause death to some of your desired animals as well. Most people seem...
  6. partonks

    Live Rock Critter

    I'm pretty sure it was aptasia, but it was still on the glass near the top last night. I took a plastic spoon and scooped him right out. I assume there's still a good chance that there are more in there, but my tank seems to be cycling quickly. Along those lines, I have a cycling question. My...
  7. partonks

    Live Rock Critter

    How tough are Peppermint Shrimp? Could I put one in towards the end of my cycle, or does it need to be an established tank? Thanks, Kevin
  8. partonks

    Live Rock Critter

    From doing some research, I'm afraid it might be an aptasia anemone, would one of these emerge during the cycle? I guess I should remove it if possible. My nitrites are still up, so I can't really put in peppermint shrimp which sounds like the best option. Do they eat anemones that aren't in...
  9. partonks

    Live Rock Critter

    There's a small "animal" on my glass that came from my live rock. It's maroon to brown in color and seems to have very small tentacles, but not an abundance of them, maybe 6-10. He's only about 1/2" in diameter. I wanted to find out if this is anything typical and if anyonw knew what it might...
  10. partonks

    high nitrates

    I have a related question. I am in the cycling process on my 50G tank. My nitrates seem to be high, but yesterday, they had decreased a bit, is this normal? My ammonia is on the decrease, almost to 0 and my nitrites are decreasing as well. Thanks, Kevin
  11. partonks

    Odd worm on Live Rock

    My tank is curing (relatively quickly, which worries me) and some signs of life are emerging. One of them is a long worm that came out of a hole in the rock. Is was brown at one end, fading to red in the middle, fading to white at the end inside the rock. All day, the worm was slowly emerging...
  12. partonks

    Cycle/Algae Question

    Thanks a lot, I've got a ton of information on the chemical changes during cycling (ammonia, nitrite, nitrates)and my tests are going as expected but I just never knew what to expect for algae growth. thanks a lot. Kevin
  13. partonks

    Cycle/Algae Question

    Quick question from a new guy setting up a reef tank. I'm cycling a 50G with 75 lbs LR and 10lbs ls (mixed with 40lbs of aragonite). I just recently started but I know I can expect some algae soon. Could someone please give a quick summary of what to expect and if I am supposed to clean it...
  14. partonks

    Lights on a cycling tank?

    It probably is overkill but there was a rationale, I swear :). I wanted enough light to keep some of the more demanding corals eventually. The difference between 3 and 4 lights was $30 (whereas the entire cost of lighting was obviously quite high). I haven't heard any negativity towards over...
  15. partonks

    Lights on a cycling tank?

    I'm actually setting up a reef tank, so I'm only using live rock and live sand to cycle the tank right now. My ammonia and nitrites are still on their way up, so I should be right at the beginning of my cycle. This was all on the advice of some friends who've done it and my fish store, so...
  16. partonks

    Lights on a cycling tank?

    Thanks for the idea, I might try turning on some light in the evenings while I'm home, probably not all of them though, it would get too hot and I don't have fans installed yet! thanks, Kevin
  17. partonks

    Lights on a cycling tank?

    I am currently cycling my 50 gallon tank with 75 lbs live rock and 10 lbs live sand mixed with aragonite. I was told by my lfs not to use any aquarium lighting during the curing process, but I saw something different here recently. What is the general opinion? I have 4 96W VHOs, two of which...
  18. partonks

    What in the world?

    Just to piggy-back on this question. My LFS told me not to run lights during cycling, but I've seen different ideas here. Are there any thoughts. I have 4 96W bulbs, two are blue actinics. All are VHO. They are all on separate plugs, so I can turn on any of them I want. thanks, Kevin
  19. partonks

    Tank setup question

    It all cleared up OK, it left soem dust on the rock, but no appreciable amount of sand (except on the bottom of course). thanks for all your help, I'm just in the wait stage now, but I'm sure I'm going to have more questions when it comes time to stock, or before! Thanks, Kevin
  20. partonks

    Tank setup question

    I currently have 75lbs of live rock, but some of it has been covered by the sand. I tried to make the rock as cavernous as possible on the bottom so not too much would touch the glass, but I'mnot sure if this was as successful as I'd like it to be. Hopefully I won't kill to much of my bio...