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  1. partonks

    This is TWICE now!!--UPDATED

    Also, I don't know about feeding a goldfish to your anemone. It seems like an awfully big meal for an anemone living in a home tank. I buy raw shrimp from the store and feed small pieces to my anemone each week. He takes them immediately, it's awesome. the coolest thing happened last week...
  2. partonks

    Algae Hermit Crabs

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. First of all, they're tough animals and he may have just found a spot with some algae he likes. However, the hermits will also clean up the dead animals in the tank, so if he has died, his "friends" will take care of him. Just an FYI, make sure to get some...
  3. partonks

    My 50 Gallon Fish Only Tank

    This is the last time I will reply to you are obviously just trying to get people riled up. I wonder if you have these fish at all. If you do, you have chosen to avoid the advice of knowledgeable marine aquarists everywhere. Just because they're alive doesn't mean what you've done...
  4. partonks

    how many more fish can i have

    I think most everyone here is going to tell you to stop and get that 200G sooner than later. most Tangs are suggested to live in no less that a 75G, and you have some other large fishes. If they are all juvenile, and you're upgrading soon, you should be OK. However, I would say that that's...
  5. partonks

    Help Me Choose a Fish please!

    Check out the Midas Blenny. They don't look like much in pictures, but they're awesome in person.
  6. partonks

    bangaii cardinal

    Sadly, I had the same problem with a new Bangaii, he never ate and died about 2 weeks after introduction. He has been my one fish loss and I was very disappointed becaues I spent so much time on water quality and he had only one tankmate, a Midas Blenny that left him alone. I hope it works out...
  7. partonks

    Royal Gramma (getting nipped)

    She's probably not overstocked, but the tang is going to outgrow her system, just like yours. I'm assuming her signature is incorrect and all of this is in the 50G, not the 20G. If its in the 20, definitely overstocked. by the way, Sven, I'd get rid of both the Surgeonfish and Tang and get a...
  8. partonks


    I would suggest, if possible, remove the yellow tang and blue surgeon and try to trade with a fish store. I love my Midas Blenny and I would highly recommend this as a replacement. Your Maroon Clownfish will be quite aggressive to any other clownfish, so I'd stay away from those. As long as...
  9. partonks

    Ideas ? On Colour??your thoughts>>>>

    Knowing the lighting is the most important. there are some colorful mushrooms that are very hardy. if you're into the more difficult (but not very) corals, I've had a lot of success with my bubble coral, and I just added a beautiful maroon open brain coral that is doing well.
  10. partonks


    Not sure what you want from this, but telling you that's not a good mix is probably a waste of time. I know that no one will tell you a Tang should be in a 50G. I think Scott Michael recommends a 75G for a Yellow Tang and a 100G for most other Tangs/Surgeonfishes. Also, I'm interested in how...
  11. partonks

    arrow crab compatability

    I guess my opinion is that if you're not sure, and there's already inhabitants in the tank, you have to give way to them. if you think that the new inhabitants are just going to get killed by the Arrow, you need to avoid the new inhabitants. Don't depend on your situation to be the exception...
  12. partonks

    Clean-up Crew

    SNails eat hair algae? I was told only hermits and Sally Lightfoot crabs did. I'm starting to have some hair algae and I have lost some snails, so maybe I could add more as well?
  13. partonks

    Clownfish not eating

    Thanks for the info. I actually did take in a sample last night and they found the same water quality I did although my pH was a little on the high side (nothing extreme). This is a change however, since I had been at 8.0 for a long time, so he may be stressed by that. I also bought some live...
  14. partonks

    Clownfish not eating

    I have a 50g, 75lbsLR, 50lbsLS tank that has been up for about 4 months very successfully. I have added one False Percula about 2.5 months ago, and this weekend I added a bubble coral and a Midas Blenny. I also have a clean up crew of hermits and snails. I lost a Banggai Cardinal who never ate...
  15. partonks


    Mike, How's it going? Your neighbor Kevin here. Just remember FOWLR = fish only with live rock and DSB = deep sand bed.
  16. partonks


    Man, I know it sounds disappointing, but there are lots of things you can add, just not a lot of what you mentioned. The Blue Linkias are supposedly tough if you acclimate them correctly, I was accidentally shipped two of them so I acclimated them the same way I did everything else and they...
  17. partonks

    Free Polyps?

    Cool, thanks, it's amazing the amount of life I'm still doscovering from my rock even 2 months after the initial setup.
  18. partonks

    Sedentary Crabs

    I introduced 20 Scarlet legged and 20 blue legged hermits about 3 weeks ago to my 50g tank. For the first two weeks, they were absulute workhorses, constantly moving and eating. Lately, they have really become very slow and seem to pick a spot and just sit there all day. they are alove, as...
  19. partonks

    Free Polyps?

    I have a set of three polyps on one piece of live rock that I was afraid were Aiptasia, but after seeing a picture, I don't think so. They are brown with some green coloration in the center, they are about the size of a dime in diameter and sit on a stalk about 1" in length. A ring of...
  20. partonks

    clean up?

    Are there any others out there who've had problems with Blue Legged? They came highly recommended and have been doing quite well in my tank. Some have molted and changed into larger shells within the first few weeks.