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  1. deric203

    New tank running. Water level in o/f?

    No replies in "new to hobby".Water level in o/f box? [hr] Tank is full of water and running tonight. A couple more questions. How high should the water level be in the overflow box? Right now my mag 18 is running full open and the overflow box water level is only a couple inches above the...
  2. deric203

    Water level in o/f box?

    By the way. Thats the wife in the back of the photo holding her chest and gasping for air after finding out how much I spent on the lights.
  3. deric203

    Water level in o/f box?

    Please ignore the electrical hazard. that will be hung correctly. water is cloudy because I added about 30 gallons of water for the sump and fuge. Any suggestions on anything you see would be great. Thanks, Deric
  4. deric203

    Water level in o/f box?

    Will get them up in five minutes. (the pictures) thanks
  5. deric203

    Water level in o/f box?

    Tank is full of water and running tonight. A couple more questions. How high should the water level be in the overflow box? Right now my mag 18 is running full open and the overflow box water level is only a couple inches above the drain baffles. both the sump and the refugium levels are where...
  6. deric203

    Plumbing correct? Squidd, Bang, SCS?

    Can i keep the water level in the sump down around 5 inches? I think I need that for power outage protection.
  7. deric203

    Plumbing correct? Squidd, Bang, SCS?

    Does the Mag 18 work or do I need to down size?
  8. deric203

    Plumbing correct? Squidd, Bang, SCS?

    Thanks Grog. See any problems? I'll buy the beverage when you visit Vegas. Deric
  9. deric203

    Plumbing correct? Squidd, Bang, SCS?

    I got smacked around on another site for possible bubbles in the tank and the wrong size pump. pump is a mag drive 18. this was the plan. Here is the new plumbing configuration. Any suggestions?
  10. deric203


    Very cloudy still. Put the sand in last night and had the ph on continuously. Can I turn everything off except for the heater for a day or two and let the cloudiness settle?
  11. deric203


    Ah Sepulation. No live critters are in the tank. brand new set up. I guess that would have been useful information. thanks for everything
  12. deric203


    Ok..One more question and I'll leave you guys alone. (At least till tomorrow ) Salt water, live sand, and this live rock are in the tank. Heater is on and one SEIO 1100 ph is on. Should pump be running through the refugium and sump right now or not? I'll test levels daily, attach my...
  13. deric203


    It was red and like the bristles from a brush. I picked em. Whew. thanks again for all the help.
  14. deric203


    Some peices Last photo is Hawain something rock. Doesnt look alive to me. the other photos are nice big peices. Been scrubbing and picking for 3 hours. The rock is "cured" already. Packaged yesterday and arrived today. less than 24 hours transit. when all cleaned, throw into tank and...
  15. deric203


    im curing my Lr that just came in... some of it has red hairy material on it that is very much stuck to the rock... does that all need to come off?
  16. deric203


    Yea....And an ME I'm not. Two engeineering classes and I decided a change was in order. One of the few good choices I made 20 years ago. The other good choice was a wife :joy: Thanks again. I'll ask smarted questions eventually
  17. deric203

    SEIO 1100 ph question

    I'm not feeding anything yet. but I'll save this information for when I am. This has been completely infuriating and fun at the same time. good thing I got a wife and a few interested kids to help.
  18. deric203


    ahhh....found it...."fully submersible".......and I'm considered educated. thanks :scared:
  19. deric203

    Journeyman.....Help the gfi plug. you would think for 60 bucks the directions would help a beginner out a little. always appreciate the help